Friday, October 14, 2011

365 days of pictures day 121 YUMM

sitting at lunch today thinking now what am I going to do my picture on?  All of the sudden it is right here in front of my face.  WENDY's what I ate today. having a double cheeseburger meal deal cost me a whole $3.50 that is with the medium size.

One reason that I love Wendy's is because of they use sea salt (I can tell a difference when I use salt vs sea salt)  you have not tried sea salt,  it is a lot better for you and has no additives in is all natural.

Plus Wendy's has square meat on a round bun, they definitely think outside the box on that one.

Bob and I ate at this Wendy's several times while he was here all 3 times. You will all be happy to know that in a short time we will be together again.  Bob, is the most wonderful man on the planet!! I promise there are not too many like him around.  SMH (shakes my head) and says I am not letting him go for nuttin,

hope everybody is having a great week


  1. I love Wendy's bacon cheese burger and their fries are my favorite!

  2. Thanks for the recommendations on the sea salt. I have been wanting to try it and going to Wendy's will be a good way to try. I am a salt freak but have to cut back because of my High Blood Pressure. THANKS FOR THE HELP. HOPE THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS GO BY FAST. LOVE TO YOU AND BOB.


    rainbow (Momma Lyn)

  3. honey baby, i remember those 3 times at
    wendys and it was wonderful. i also love
    the sea salt, and use it sparingly on my
    food. soon, i will be leaving to be with
    you again, and we will be together forever. may god give me this opportunity and his blessings to gina and i.(in jesus name) gina, i miss you and love you very much!!

    ily vvvvvm
    p.s. i love you!!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8