Friday, August 29, 2014

Follow Friday Four Fill in blog hop week 178

feelingbeachiebutton 200x200

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, Hillary will list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her  .
If she uses them,she will add you as co-host to the hop! Hillary REALLY NEED STATEMENTS! This week’s co-host is Elizabeth from Silvers Book Reviews – she came up with ALL the statements
The statements:
  1. Living in_____ makes me______
  2. Wondering what will happen always makes me ___________
  3. Looking back I would have ______
  4. Listening to_____ makes me feel_____
My Answers:
    1. Living in THE USA  makes me proud and frustrated 
    2. Wondering what will happen always makes me curious
    3. Looking back I would have gone to nursing school like I always wanted to do
    4. Listening to Gospel Music makes me feel like a very small person
happy weekend and be safe

Chats on the Farmhouse porch

Everyday Ruralty

greetings from our Island it has been quiet windy, rainy, with the 
tropical storms coming in.  some much *needed* cooler weather
now, on to the chat

  1. Please tell me something you have done recently that was really fun.
  2. Do you worry about any issues regarding food/food quality/food production?
  3. Have you painted any of your walls with colors other than white, beige, or tan?
  4. What is your favorite way to have a hamburger? If you do not eat meat, what is your favorite sandwich?
  5. Please finish this sentence. If I could, I'd like to play_____________________. This could be a musical instrument, a part in a play- use your imagination:)
My answers:
1.  made duck face selfies?  something fun, just going out to the lake
hanging out with my camera and myself.
2.  I always ck the date on the milk and dairy products.  otherwise
no so much.  
3.  I have, painted my old bathroom (lemon meringue it was very pretty)
4.  grilled on a charcoal grill (not gas) they are so much better that way
5.  love to have the ability to play the guitar, however, I love playing
the piano, tickling those ivories just something about it

The Prettiest Leaf

If I were a leaf floating from the trees, I would be the prettiest leaf

 ever seen.
  I may be orange,  red, yellow, brown or green but no doubt I
 would be the prettiest leaf seen.  I may be tattered or whole intact if I am tattered and torn I will still be there for you to adorn. 
 Will you wonder why I'm tattered or will you know it came
 from falling from the sky so high?  Or will you just guess its
 from all the walking feet?   I may be big small or in between,
 but will always be the prettiest leaf you've ever seen.

photo a day 118 water fowl

 these geese came over to me wanting
food...then do you believe this?
they had the nerve to HISS at me
not a good way to get food from me LOL
This blue herron *egret*
is kind of out of focus as he was
very far away and had the lens as
far out as it would go

hope everybody is having
a great weekend..please be safe

drive sober we don't want to be hearing about your death because of alcohol

Thursday, August 28, 2014

photo a day 117 beautiful sunset and Thankful Thursday

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.

1 Timothy 6:12 NLT

Here we are on Thankful Thursday no better place to be

Life on the Island is very interesting

much needed rain coming this weekend, but preparing for 
major storms, as there is storms coming from both the east and 
west and they seem to always "collide" over OK ;( 

Dependable vehicle for travel in this brutal weather we are having
been above 100 + for the last 7 days.

Friends just checking in on you to see how you are doing

tomato plant is "finally" producing 1 tomato but hey when it
was planted it was 6" tall and now is almost 3 ft :) the tomato is
orange-yellow a couple more days and in the tummy it will go..

there is so much that we are all thankful for too many to list 

dad...having echo on the 2nd (please pray his heart functionality
has improved...they are talking if not he may have to have a 
defibrillator he is 82 really? still not getting around as good as she needs to be, waiting
on approval to get hem both 4 wheel rollators 

I get results from my Echo done last week sometime soon, as 
my shoulder is killing me making really hard for me to
wash hair, brush hair, and brush teeth :(

Laughter is the best medicine inside and out,  take some time out
of your busy schedule to "stop and smell the roses"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Today's Bible Verse

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.

James 1:12 NLT

we all have lots to be thankful for on a daily basis not only on Thur
my great nephew was born on the 12th very healthy mom n baby are 
doing very well.
lots of August birthdays 
mom n dad are doing better
planning a family reunion for Sept hoping all the family can make it
cooler temps the last week, but very hot now
much needed rain we got last week
a/c for these over 100 days
$ to  pay bills

prayer list
pray for our troops, paramedics, police officers, emt, firemen/women
they put their lives in danger every second of every day to help us

that results are good on my echo gram and we can get surgery scheduled
family traveling to reunion next month

my cousin who for some unknown reason keeps having low blood pressure issues
and having to get iron every couple weeks

hope everybody has a great week and lots of blessings

photo a day 116 surprise lily

mom's beautiful surprise lily this one
got broken off and thought a beautiful pic.

they are also known as naked ladies as they
are bare from the ground up to the pod of
flowers they produce.

Hope everybody is having a great week


Friday, August 15, 2014

Chats on the front porch week 152

hello from Gilligan n Maryann's island the weather
has been pleasant for August, below normal temps
which is very nice :)
 But that tropical storm that came through here last week
was a doozey!  and the next one is supposed to be another doozey
being stranded on a tropical island you never know what to expect.
Now, back to reality here in Okie land the temps have been
wonderful and getting some much cooler needed temps.

Love the piggies so cute
Today's chat:
  1. Are you still enjoying (or not) summer, or are you geared for fall?
  2. What's the one room in your home that you'd like to make a big change to?
  3. Do you ever send "snail mail"?
  4. Do you dream? Often? Do you ave nightmares?
  5. Tell me something that makes you happy. Please. 
My answers: (gilligans  too)
1.  I love summer as I do not like cold weather, but shhh Fall is one of 
my favorite times of the all the colors 
2.  the bedroom, it needs to be bigger lol
3.  Sure I do, belonging to "Soldiers Angels" I write letters all the time 
40+ per month
4.  dreaming yes every couple of nights...if I watch something bad
on TV I have nightmares, not particularly scary movies I am talking
even the catastrophes shown on TV
5. Gator  makes me super duper happy,  my dogs make me happy as they
stick with me thru it all...and being a brand new great aunt makes me very happy

Follow Friday Four Fill In Blog Hop - week 176

feelingbeachiebutton 200x200Okay, you know the deal – Each week, Hilary will list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her  .
If she uses  them, She will add you as co-host to the hop! Hilary will REALLY NEED STATEMENTS! This week’s co-host is Elizabeth from Silver’s Book Reviews. She came up with all last two statements

The statements:
  1. When do you______
  2. Why is it that_____?
  3. During a______ I ________
  4. Singing in the _______ is______
My Answers:
  1. When do you do your house chores?
  2. Why is it that people always need the feel to be in your business?
  3. During an argument I always end up crying
  4. Singing in the rain is SOMETHING I think would be fun
This is a Blog Hop!

photo a day 115

I love taking pictures of butterflies and flowers
so lovely when I catch them both in the same pic
hope everybody is having a great weekend.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Nothing to Fear in the Hodgepodge

1. The best part of waking up is _______________________________.
being able to thank God for another day.

2. Given a choice, which animal interaction would you most like to experience (or for you non-adventure lovers...which would you dislike the least?)-swim with the dolphins in one of several locations in the Florida Keys, a lion encounter ten miles from Victoria Falls (Africa), or a day at a remote base camp high in the Big Sur wilderness via the Ventana Wildlife Society helping track California Condors?
swimming with the dolphins, I think that would be the ultimate gift
of a lifetime, having lived on Padre Island and seeing them in their own
habitat, was nothing but awesome

3. What is something you fear about old age? Something you look forward to?
something I fear is getting worse arthritis than what I already have
look forward to retiring back on the coast of TX

4. Hot sauce...are you a fan? If you answered yes, what's something you make/eat that must have hot sauce? On a scale of 1-10, how hot is too hot?
I love hot sauce but not scalding 5 would be it for me, chicken enchilada casserole...and love it on any kind of eggs

5. It's been said that children learn what they live. What do you think children learn at your house?
I have no children, but if I did would hope they learn the same family values
that I have, and that playing on the computer day and night would be a big no-no
as I would love to have them being outside playing in the mud etc and knowing that our Heavenly Father sent his son to die for all our sins

6. What's your favorite movie with a number in its title?
snow white and the 7 dwarfs ...I love all disney movies and what is
not to love about those cute lil dwarfs? 

7. Saturday (August 16th) is National Tell A Joke Day...share one here.
what did daddy tomato say to baby tomato?  hurry up or you will get squashed

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
This week we lost our beloved Robin Williams, he was our hero, our funny
guy, he taught us so much laughter that we didn't even know he was hurting on the inside.  It isn't always the smile, but rather what is inside.
RIP Robin  NANU NANU!!!! and Genie you're free!!!! pain and hurt is no more,
I am sure you are making all of the angels in Heaven smile as you did us here on Earth

photo a day 114 and Wordless Wednesday

another reason I love my dad's garden
I can always find things taller than me :) :)
this is a small sunflower compared to most
but hey he is tall and handsome (hehe)

happy Wednesday everybody and hope
it has cooled off in your part of the country

showers of blessings

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

photo a day 113

found these beautiful flowers just waiting
to be photographed.

hope you all are having a great week so far

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

wordless Wed and photo a day 112

Photo: Took this on way home from parents tonight

Took this on the way home from my parents tonight!
it was not through a window like it appears
the only explanation is this :  The Master painters
handiwork is always outstanding (from my preacher when he saw it)

Today's bible quote
"The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy."
Psalms 145:8
boy did I need this today!