Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Time to meet up with Tara over at for Thankful Thursday  (for some reason I keep getting URL not found I hope and Pray that you are doing well Tara)

What Blessings are we unwrapping this week?
1.  For the unconditional love of our everlasting Father
2.  Bob's health and love *even through our trials and tribulations)
3.  My blogging friends & family
4.  The friendship I have developed with Missy
5.  Unlimited long distance
6.  Safe travels to and from Michigan
7.  Liquid sunshine
8.  My mom & dad (they took care of my pets while I was away)
9.  The beautiful scenery that I seen while traveling
10.  My car that it got great gas mileage (35 mpg)

hope everybody is having a great week :) I know my week is getting better every day.  I have so much to be thankful for it is so hard to put into a few words.


1 comment:

  1. honey-baby, words can't adequately express my feelings i have for you. it seems once and a lifetime, someone comes along who captures ones heart and she is you. god has blessed me with someone who is my soul mate and my greatest love. she is by me in sickness and health, and she is always near me in good times and bad. she is never far
    away, and im very blessed having her in
    my life. i loved reading your blog, and
    i love you with all my being...and i will always love you my lovely gina.

    ((((((bob and gina))))))) always and forever

    p.s. i love you!!!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8