Tuesday, September 6, 2011

365 days of pictures day 93 RTE 66

 on Monday we decided to take a road trip on RTE 66 from Tulsa to Ok City, it took us 3 hours to go 100 miles (ok somebody in the group loves to take pictures) we didn't even get out of Tulsa when we made the first stop, this is the first roadside attraction in Tulsa.

It has only been here a couple of months (the train exhibit)  Thanks to some very nice people every where we went they offered to take our pictures.

Some of them I switched my camera to do B/W since were on rte 66 and those days they only had b/w (some were taken with my phone and camera)

the first picture we were in Tulsa, this is where the train exhibit is at, that thing had some (as Shawn would say Gigornmous wheels)  The 2nd train pic in b/w shows how big they are WOW I am 5'6 and it was taller than I am standing on the cross tie.

Ollies is where we had breakfast, man  BOB is a great cook :) even the train light works...inside they have all kind of model trains set up running it is cool, the rte 66 sign was taken inside

The one outside of Ollies we did it on the way out, seemed when we wanted pictures taken somebody was always willing to give a hand so to say.

The one of the bridge is part of the "original rte 66" just west of Tulsa
we took some of the original road when it was where you could travel by car  you will notice in some of the pictures you see grass growing down the middle.
The two of Bob and I running in the road, a group of motorcycle riders were every where we stopped so they offered to take some silly/cute pictures of us
notice in one of them the guys shadow is in the picture, so we can always remember that guy.  can you tell were silly in love?

The Big rte 66 sign is in Acadia OK where the round barn (its on the historical society) it tells about 66 and OK
The last pic...dang him he beat me to the bathroom, and wouldn't let me in!!! (just kidding its an old outhouse, but cool for a pic don't you think?)

We hope that you have enjoyed sharing our RTE 66 memories with us, BUT WAIT!!!! it's not finished yet, as we are going to   Michigan on Thur, to move Bob down here (for good)

we are hoping to get some good shots of the Arch in St. Louis, and the Sear's tower in Chicago.  Since it took us 3 hrs to go 100 miles I wonder how long it will take us to go all the way to Chicago which is 600+ (hmmm)  ok we are going to be on a deadline so can't dilly dally too long.

We enjoyed our RTE 66 drive and the weather was amazing it has cooled off so much there was some cool old bridges on the rte as well.  One day we hope to go from Tulsa to LA since we are going to go to Chicago.

Bob is feeling better every day and his color is great

Hope everybody is having a great week so far

Blessings to all of you
Rainbow & Tiger

 These two pictures are some of our favorites, the 2nd one we are "skipping to the lou" we have so much fun being together it is so hard to imagine being in love like that.  :)
we are like two kids in love!!! and its so much fun living and loving


  1. honey baby, i had a wonderful time traveling down route 66 with you. i thank god each day for giving me the opportunity loving you. i enjoyed each and every stop on route 66 with you, and love being with you immensely. your love continues to grow within my heart, and i love you more and more each day. i can't wait to share my life with you, and i love you very very much!!

    ((((((bob~n~gina)))))) always~n~forever

    ily vvvv m!!

  2. Awwwwww,
    You two bring tears to my eyes...I am so happy you found each other..God is Great!

    The only question I have is..How Did You Find Each Other? This must be the Love Story of the century.

  3. @ Shawn. Thank you so much we both appreciate your support. :) we met online talkcity in chat a room called 40's fling
    The first year was casual then the 2nd yr was last yr 10 June 14 when we actually started talking via phone email extra.

    Rainbow n Tiger

  4. You look like you are having so much fun! Love the great photos. Puts a huge smile on my face. Many blessings


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Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8