Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A - Z challenge M is for mars

M is for Mars

the ancient Roman god of war and agriculture, identified with the Greek god Ares.
Astronomy the planet fourth in order from the sun, having a diameter of 
4222 miles (6794 km), amean distance from the sun of 141.6 million 
miles (227.9 million km), a period of revolution of 686.95days, and two moons

Mars interesting topic, while living in CA, was fortunate enough to see
when rover landed on Mars, this was such an exciting moment to witness a part of 

I have somewhere in all the midst of confusion a ton of pictures that I took while out 
in CA.  there is an actual rover tire, that was brought back and some other
odd and ends of stuff.

But, why are we spending all this money researching this planet?  What 
are we trying to prove?  we all know that there was life on Mars, and that it
is similar habitat as Earth only hotter, dryer..etc.  They have
proved there was at one time water on mars but how?  
I know there is so much left to be discovered in our universe.
I am now hearing that there is a bunch more planets in the solar system
just waiting to be discovered.  

One thing is for sure....I will not be in the line to ride the plane to Mars
when they get it going and operating


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8