Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A- Z blog challenge I Interstate

I is for interstate (s)
connecting or involving different statesinterstate commerce.
a highway serving two or more states.
sometimes initial capital letter a highway that is part of the nationwide U.S. 
Interstate HighwaySystem.
1835–45,  Americanism; inter- + state

Interstate (s) the US is made of so many interstates 
which are busy busy  each and every day,   we all use 
interstates most any day we drive.   I-5 is the busiest in
the US.   I have been on I-5 from San Diego to Bakersfield
and talk about traffic!!! I am thankful for living in OK not that its isn't busy,
but, there is not as many people in OK as CA
I have been all the way across I-40 from the east to the west, I-35 from 
Kansas down to Laredo, TX living off of I-44 I travel it on a daily basis, 
but again I have traveled it from Wichita Falls TX all the way to where it ends,
I-20 from Dallas to Atlanta.....55 has to be in there somewhere going to Chicago,
 and MI Yes I have traveled a lot in my 46 and 3/4 yrs

I have seen so much of God's beauty in the small amount of the US that I have
 traveled  still knowing that I haven't even touched a small iota of the beauty.

happy a -z blogging

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