Tuesday, April 15, 2014

a -z challenge J jaywalk

J is for jay-walk
verb (used without object)
to cross a street at a place other than a regular crossing or in a heedless manner, 
as diagonally or againsta traffic light.
1915–20,  Americanism; jay + walk

This is really a sore subject to me, for pete's sake there is walk way where you 
as the pedestrian have the right away, only a few feet in front of you >>>>>that way
right here X  <<<<<<<   yes that is the walk way idiot!!!!

What gets me, people curse you when you do not stop for them
when they are in the NO WALK WAY!!!!  or that person that is too busy on the 
effing phone (ANOTHER STORY)) to even notice that somebody has stepped
out on the cross walk when the light is white for you to walk, this happened to
me while visiting my mom in the hospital,  I was going across the cross walk 
in the hospital over 1/2 way across when out of no where a lady came flying
thru (remember this is at a hospital) if I hadn't saw her when I did she would have 
hit me dead on,  and she had the audacity to give me dirty looks,  I politely told
her she needed to get off of her cell phone and she needed to slow the Heck down
because A) this is a hospital not a highway, B) what if that had been an elderly person 
crossing, she would have hit them nothing flat, C) and my worst nightmare
what if it had been a child with his or her parents?  
SLOW Down as you do not know what people crossing are thinking, there was
a guy killed over the weekend here in a crosswalk, he was blind, at night, the people who
hit him were driving below the speed limit, and were not cited since it was dark, a young 
couple was from MI, so now worrying about their vacation, they also have the 
guilty hurt of hitting an innocent man. 

it only takes 2 seconds longer not speeding than risking hitting somebody.

happy a-z blogging

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