Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A- Z blogging challenge N

N is for Narcissus
any bulbous plant belonging to the genus Narcissus,  of the amaryllis family,
 having showy yellow or white flowers with a cup-shaped corona.
the flower of any of these plants.
initial capital letter Classical Mythology a youth who fell in love
 with his own image reflected in pool and wasted away from unsatisfied desire,
 whereupon he was transformed into the flower.

Narcissus flowers are one of my favorite flowers, moms are in
full bloom right now.  I am so sorry she can't see them bloomed.
Funny thing, my 2nd great grandfather was named Narcissus
he looks like a full blown gangster in pictures I have seen of him
my uncle looks like a splitting image of his great grandfather.

Do you love spring flowers?

happy a - z blogging


  1. Narcissus seems like a strange name to give someone, but I guess some stranger names have been given in recent years.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  2. Beautiful photographs and post Gilligan and MaryAnn. May you have a blessed Easter.
    Garden of Eden Blog

  3. I love narcissus! I don't have any now, but had tons at our last home and when I was a child.
    Just an observation. You would probably have an easier site to read if you did away with either the left or right sidebar, and put the gadgets all on one side, so you can widen both the main section and the sidebar a bit. Things are hidden and cramped. I love your background, but that would be the other option to widen it a bit with a different background. Just sayin'...
    Donna Smith
    The A-to-Z Challenge
    Mainely Write

  4. Looks great! So much easier to read.


Comments always welcome

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