Friday, December 20, 2013

Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop Week 142

goodreadsHilary had gotten used to dating the commitment-phobic Marc, thirteen years her senior. They had a great relationship—why rush into things? She saw no need to pressure him for marriage, believing that when the time was right, he would propose. But after they had been together for four years, their friends decided to take matters into their own hands, pushing Marc to propose and making Hilary realize how much she really did want to marry the man that she loved. Unfortunately, Marc still wasn’t ready—and their friends’ meddling in the form of a faux engagement party led to a disastrous New Year’s Eve that brought their relationship to an inevitable turning point.
In this relatable, lighthearted, and playful memoir, Hilary reminisces about her life before Marc—from the insecure and awkward teenage years she spent in a back brace and dealing with the loss of her father, to her early relationships and, finally, to the day she met Marc and realized that she really wanted to see him again. Through their first date—even though Hilary was technically seeing someone else at the time—and the ease of their early time together until Marc first decided that they were moving too quickly, up until that fateful New Year’s Eve, Hilary shares the details of their relationship and how Marc’s inability to commit led her to find an inner strength and confidence she didn’t know she possessed.

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, Hilary will list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her .
If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is BETH ANN from IT’S JUST LIFE – she who came up with the last two statements.

Feeling Beachie
The statements:
  1. How is it _____?
  2. I can’t believe how much easier it was to ____ than to ____.
  3. I like my _____________ and ________________
  4.  If I could I would do ________ all day ____.
My Answers:
  1. How is it  already almost 2014, seems just yesterday we were preparing for y2k
  2. I can’t believe how much easier it was to sit in traffic in Tulsa than to  sit in the traffic in CA
  3. I like my ability to be able to fix my own computer and dislike when people find out you are computer savvy, they become your best friend all the sudden
  4.  If I could I would do computer work all day but, knowing in the end my eyes and head would not like me very much….
This is a Blog Hop!

Merry Christmas to all


  1. thanks for the shout out!

    I hate traffic in any location!

  2. I cannot believe how much traffic my small town of several thousand has! It's like a big city - it takes me forever just to get out of my street because there is no lights. But, there is only one road through town basically - so anyone who has to go anywhere: that's the road.
    HA - there's no danger of me having your computer savvy problem. People shake their heads when me and technology meet.
    Merry Christmas!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8