Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 35 winter wonderland

 This is looking out my house to the south
4" of snow ontop of 1 1/2" of sleet
it is 28 with windchill of 7 BURR

Pic #2 is looking north toward the church
what you are seeing in the distance is a whole
flock of birds playing in the slush
you can see there hasn't been much
movement on the road

Pic #3 is the amazing sunset almost
too cold by then to even go outside
but was too pretty to miss.
the tracks that you see are only where
I have been taking the dogs out to do
their business

Hope you are safe if you are having
treacherous weather.  They said 16 states
were effected by this storm.

Here, they are telling us not to even go
outside unless it is a necessity.
The cold temps and windchill are brutal
and not warming up until the middle of
next week...Spose to be 3* in the am Sat


  1. Yes I would say that sunset is extremely amazing. Thank you for sharing. I wont be posting this coming week as I will be in Florida. I do have a few post going up that I have scheduled though. Blessings and stay warm my friend.

  2. It is a winter wonderland. Pretty photos and I love the sunset. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Brrrrrrrrr, I'm such a wuss when it comes to icy, snowy weather. I'm in my snuggly blanket wrap and it's 48 degrees outside.

  4. the DIY Plug-in Scented Oil Air Freshener Refill" work GREAT!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8