Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nuturing the Hodgepodge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge Hodgepodgers!  If you've answered this week's questions add your link to the end of my post. Then go say hi to some of the others who also joined the party today. Here are my answers-

1.What is something you'll never forget about the age you are right now?
being close to 50 knowing that 40 will soon be over lol, however something that I will not forget about being 46.....falling when you are older only hurts more.
the thrill of getting my very first brand new vehicle, and being 46 I have learned a lot over the last year, and get this?  my parents seem to get smarter as I get older

2. What's a household chore you've never done? How have you managed that???
hmmm, honestly I can't think of one that I have never done, after
owning my own home you have to learn to do things that you never expected
but one thing I can say that I have not done and will not do is climb a ladder
to clean out the guttering.

3. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture? Explain.
I think it is a combination of the 2, however I do believe
that when the sun is not shining it affects our whole being, it makes us
gloomy, sleepy and what not

4. Friday (February 28th) is 'Something on a Stick Day'...funny because Zoanna at A Penchant for Pens recently sent me a question for the Hodgepodge relating to this topic.  What's your favorite food eaten on a stick?
Marshmallow roasted over a nice warm flame, nothing better, 

5. Which of your five senses do you treasure most, and why?
hearing, because if you loose your sight you can still hear conversations,
if you loose your sight you can't see what is going on around you

6. What's the best music, theatre, or sporting venue you've been to? What made it great?
well living in OK there is not a professional sports arena but we do have the
bok center where they have hockey, concerts however while in CA got to go to my first professional sporting event even got to see 2 yippieee  what made then great, is that in CA was the first ever to professional arena
bok center

  anaheim ducks

  anahiem angels

7. It's the last week of the five words or less bid adieu to your February.
ps while the ice and snow were awesome to see, it is now time
to be warm, with flowers blooming all aglow

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
if it is to be it is up to me   the five most simple two letter  words we will ever use!!
there is some truth to this, this was the quote the speaker gave at my high
school graduation 29 yrs ago.. I have never forgotten this simple saying.


  1. That Bok Center is wow!!! What a great architecture feat.

    As for goodbye winter,hello spring...yes indeed. It's been a long cold one here, and I'm so ready for warmth...24/7


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8