Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day (June 14)

  • took this pic today while out
     on my excursion....
    Today is FLAG DAY!!!  
    The photo is mine but
     took the writing out of
     The paper today in  1777
     that the US adopted the Stars and Stripes of
     the  American Flag.
    Flag Day traditions began in 1885 but became nationally
     recognized in 1949 after President Truman passed an act..

    Also here is some information that I found to be very interesting
     there are flag violations::hanging the flag in the wrong direction
        Hanging either vertically or horizantally the blue field **MUST 
    ALWAYS BE ON THE TOP LEFT*** and flying the flag without 
    lighting at night...unless it can be properly lit.   If you are flying the 
    flag at home or at a business it should be taken down at dusk
     if it cannot be lit at night.  

    Our Flag should not be hung out during bad weather **so that it can stay
     clean and prevent damage to it.

    And last but not least   it is acceptable to wear an emblem of the American Flag
     attached to clothing but the flag itself should never be worn.

    So next time you see our Flag blowing in the breeze, think of today
     June 14th and stand proud and tall as our forefathers did
     several hundred years ago.

    More info on the American Flag Legions Website   www.legion.org

    1 comment:

    1. honey baby, your article about the flag was great, and i enjoyed reading it very much. i like your picture of the flag and
      and what it stands for. i can't wait wait to see your sweet smile again, and i love you!!
      ily vvv m xoxoxo


    Comments always welcome

    Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8