Sunday, June 5, 2011

365 days of pictures ~day 24~ silly kitty

I cant find Caz so I call he goes squeak and he's sitting on top of Thumbalina the turtle tank, his tail is in the water, turtle was sneaking around trying to get kitties tail so I get his tail out just before turtle lanches on. Oh boy I didn't want to have to wait till it thundered.

Good things are happening,


Do you have a pet turtle?
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  1. That is just a really cute photo. WOW! That could have ended so much differently. Good thing you caught that.

  2. honey baby, it looks like caz is surely fitting in with his monkey friends. it was also good to know, caz was able to watch his tail, before the turtle had it for supper.
    baby, i can't wait to see all your pet friends again, and most of all, to be with you again, my love. gina, your wonderful and i love you with all my heart.
    ((((((bob~n~gina)))))) always~n~forever
    ily vvv m oxoxox


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