Thursday, March 20, 2014

photo challenge march 20 and photo a day 85 and Thankful Thursday

Today's photo challenge is SPRING
how appropriate the flowers are just
starting to bloom here, the lilies are starting to
pop up as well,  yes I think it is safe to say
"Spring is i

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."
Philippians 4:4

And for today's Thankful Thursday no better place to be thank here to share all of our thankfuls

We all have so much to be grateful for it is always
hard to sum up in a list

I am thankful for my Salvation, and knowing that temptation is always right around the corner
and that I know I have a higher power.

That spring is in the air (I love the smells of spring and all the beauty)


pray that I do not have to deal with idiots at work tomorrow, last Friday night I had to deal
with some Aryian Nation *AKA SKINHEADS* it was very creepy and knowing that
I had God's hand on my shoulder I was calmed in a moment

The will power of my God mother (Her kidney's shut down at 2-3 pm on Sunday, as of today
all body organs have stopped functioning all but her heart, she must have a heart of gold,
they can't do dialysis because of a blood disorder *it didn't start as Leukemia but has now turned that way....Her name is Eddy....please pray for her and her family that she doesn't suffer any more than needed, she was last awake on Tuesday now in a drug induced comma to keep her pain away

sorry to get onto my list of needs, God just spoke to me and told me to do this that prayer
never hurts anybody.

my new haircut, it is so easy to take care of.

laundry all caught up, house clean so now I can have time to blog :)

the doggies loves me so much and unconditionally both of them sleep
as close to me as they possibly can.

The much needed rain we got last Sunday *it was 38 degrees, raining, sleeting, snowing
all in the same time*

Hope everybody has a great week and it is full of many many blessings


  1. Ilove spring. Praying over these needs.

  2. Beautiful list! prayers are going up and yes prayers as such a gift and something to be thankful for daily. Blessings


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8