Sunday, December 15, 2019

Stealing Sunday Book of Questions

All of this content was stolen from   however my answers are truly mine

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and

Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!

Taken from the Book of Questions

1. If you saw a dog locked in a hot car, what would you do?
A) call the cops then notify  the store manager to let them know cops would be arriving if taking too long would break out the window and get it out of car giving it a nice drink of water I always have water with me

2.  Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it?
A)  I have learned to accept help as I am very independent

3) Have you ever been in a fashion show?
A) Yes in high school what a lot of fun

4.  Would you like to be famous?
A)  in some areas of my work I already am (modeling and my photography is becoming world famous)

5. What is your most compulsive habit?
A) Washing the dishes  can't stand dirty dishes

6. What do you most strive for in your life: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement, knowledge, or something else?
A) Health, and making others happy

7.How close and warm is your family?
A) we are close like a family should be

8 Does that fact that you have never done a thing before increase or decrease its appeal to you?
A) hard to answer, as I have done any many interesting things over my life.  I would think if you haven't done something for me it would increase its appeal to me

9. If your friends start belittling a common acquaintance, would you defend that person?
A) most definately I was always the peace maker growing up  were not in high school anylonger

10.  Do you make a special effort to thank someone who does you a favor How do you react when you aren’t thanked for going out of your way for someone?
A) Yes I always tell the giving person of my gratitude and that THANK YOU will never be enough  at first I am hurt but then I know I did the right thing to help so its on their
conscious not mine

11. Since adolescence, in what 3-year period do you feel you experienced the most personal growth and change?
A) funny 2015 (when I lost my dad)March 2019 to present  not three years but cicrumstances that happened in  Nov of this year made me a stronger better person

12. When you do something ridiculous, how much does it bother you to have other people notice it and laugh at you?
A) doesn't bother me at the least, I made somebody laugh my job is doe

13. Do you believe in capital punishment?
A) most definately I believe if we brought it back so many things wouldn't be happening

14. Do you find it so hard to say “no” that you regularly do favors yo do not want to do?
A) I used to have a problem saying "NO" but after  getting hurt more times than I care
I have learned to say no

15.  What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
A)  CANCER, your health not knowing what somebody else is dealing with and you
make fun of them

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on dirty dishes - and a kitchen that hasn't been tidied and cleaned after cooking.

    I am slightly OCD about it actually.





Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8