Friday, February 26, 2021

Topic Prompt for Feb 25

 What is a topic you could talk about for hours if you had a captive audience?   What would you tell them?

Photography, nothing can be what the Master gives us to photograph

There is no right or wrong way to shoot a photo, it is all in the eye of the photographer as we all see things differently, that is what makes us unique.   Wouldn't it be a boring world if we all saw the same things all the time?

What do you see through your camera lens?


  1. Oh, I agree. I LOVE taking pictures of everything I see around me. There is so much beauty to behold, if we just open our eyes and look for it. I have often captured things in photographs that I didn't even notice before snapping the picture, and then when I looked at the picture it was like, "wow!" Sometimes we just need to sit still and watch and listen to what the Lord is putting right before our eyes and ears to enjoy. I did that early this morning on the back porch, listening to the frogs and/or cranes talking on the pond as I watched the full moon shining...what an experience!
    Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend.

    1. I love getting that WOW shot! Absolutely if we open our eyes and ears the LORD is always talking to us and showing us things. I love listening to nature, we have had some beautiful winter birds here lately so peaceful. Have a blessed day too and please give my love to LILY


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8