Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Hodgepodge Wednesday Bells are gonna chime


Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Bet you can't guess what's filling my time, thoughts, and calendar right now-ha! If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post then leave a comment for your neighbor. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. When were you last a guest at an event or in someone's home? Tell us about it. Do you enjoy having guests in your own home?   Actually last Friday the 8th we went to a friends home.  We enjoy having guests in our home and being the host.   It is nice though going to other places as well

2. What has you 'tied up in knots' currently or recently? Are you any good at tying actual knots? 
Tied up in knots Gators health which is declining rapidly cancer stinks.     I am married to a Navy Seabee and Dad was in the Army so yes I can tie an Army and Navy Knot

3. What's something you've been wanting to do and have decided 2021 will be the year you 'take the plunge'? 
With Gator's health we live one day at a time

4. Something in your home that's old? Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue?
Old we have Gators grandmas end table
New  washer
borrowed hmmm nothing that I can think of 
Something blue,  I have many blue towels

5. Share a favorite quote, a verse of scripture, and/or a bit of wisdom for couples getting married in this challenging and seemingly unpredictable season we're currently/still experiencing. 
Philippians13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
Lets all try kindness and to stop the hatred in our country


  1. Good words of advice and Scripture for couples getting married or at anytime! I am truly sorry about your hubby's health situation. Praying that God will give you strength for each new day and status changes. Our son fought cancer for 4 years and it was very difficult for him and his wife and son and us. We were too far away to be able to help, but we got together as often as possible. We were so thankful for every moment God gave us before He called him home. May the Lord give you and your hubby peace and comfort and precious time together. (((hugs)))

    1. Thank you for stopping by, and thank you for the prayers much appreciated. I am so sorry you son fought cancer, cancer stinks. We enjoy every day together, I have been thru the whole 4 years with him and not going to stop now (((hugs))))

  2. What a great random thought. Enjoy your week.

  3. I'm so sorry about Gator's health. I'm sure that does have you tied in knots. I love that verse of scripture from Philippians!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8