Sunday, January 10, 2021

Day 10 bw makes me smile

this is a true black and white, taken 1951-1953 when dad was stationed in Korea   I was the twinkle in his eye, daddies girl, the whole nine yards.   He was the rock to the family, and is missed so very much RIP daddy 9-30-32 to 8-21-2015

 Sunday, January 10

Isaiah 42:99 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”


  1. Very nice photo! You never explained your counting of days, I'm curious!

    be well in the New Year... mae at

    1. Thanks for stopping by I do a black and white photo everyday of the year, something I started doing in 2015 but never posted on my blog so thought with a new year, start a new tradition on my blog.

  2. Super shot of your Dad. My hubby was also station in Korea or rather the waters around Korea as he was in the Navy. He was also born in --interesting, huh.

    1. thank you very much!!!! Please tell your hubby thank you for his service. Dad was in the Army in communications and took a lot of firing upon. Very interesting indeed you may have just became my new best bloggie friend

  3. You are rightly proud of your dad. He looks so relaxed but I know serving in Korea must have been tough.

    1. Oh my daddy was my everything :) he rarely talked about Korea if he did it was over him knocking somebody out in a boxing match for their fun time

  4. Before I amke a fool of myself, when I saw your comments, for the life of me, I don't remember my comment. But I appreciate you coming to mine, and tow you can see what your blog may look like after 20+ years:) I started at blogspot too, but when google became invasive I moved to wordpress. It is more challenging at first, but what I like is that i can reply from my own blog, and you automatically receive what I've written to you. Have a great week. Yea, very apparent that we are in a new era with new things, experiences, and strategies to cope:) Be blessed!

    1. I think I replied to you on WordPress, thank you for stopping by :) I have been dabbling with WordPress it seems fairly easy. hope you have a great week

  5. I love old black and white pics! What a great idea to share! Enjoy your week. AND I like the name of your blog!

    1. thank you very much. I have been doing bw since 2015 on a daily post FB decided a new year new tradition with my blog. hope you have a great week


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8