Sunday, December 6, 2020

Our Friends who are Family

We have the best friends who instantly became family.   Anyone of  people always have each others back. some are missing for whatever reason.  Maybe one day we can get everybody in a pic.  Everyone of these couples go out of their way to make sure that Gator is ok, as he is pretty feeble not so steady on his feet sometimes.   Each one of them have touched our hearts in so many ways.

The Gators (that's us)
Richard and Amy are still under quarantine due to having school age kids.  They are  2 of the most caring people
John and Lisa are also very caring and a great heart  as well
they had a double wedding Aug 1 with Kevin and Kim (next pic.   This is the day we met this gang and instantly became friends and family.
Kevin and Kim, they are the sweetest and caring they had a double wedding with John and Lisa 
Jimmy and Staci aren't they cute?  Jimmy is over 6ft Staci is 5'5ish she looks really short to him. 
Greg and Amy they are a fun loving couple 
Bill and Heide we just recently met them, like the others they became family.


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8