Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fiona listens to the old man

 Fiona, is listening to the old man’s stories, he told her he believes in elf magic, he says shhhh and listen, hear that? Its all the other little elves out playing in the trees, oh the glow on her face, because I am thinking she not only heard them but could see them dancing and playing.


  1. It's nice to believe in a little bit of magic, especially at this time of the year... I do believe, I do believe, I do believe!! (I believe in more than magic, of course...but God understands what I mean!)

    1. Oh believe me God knows (there is a kid in all of us) but Fiona she is so fun, keeps my mind off life so much :) thank you for stopping by have a great week


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Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8