Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday Stealing WEIGHT

 Sunday stealing where the blog is stolen from another blogger,  I stole this also but the answers are mine



Hi! I'm your host Bev 2 Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This 
feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal  all types of questions from
 every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise  to you is that we will work hard to find the most 
interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Now that we've had a big Thanksgiving dinner, 
here are some questions about weight from 

1. My biggest barrier to weight loss is?...eating late in the evening

2. What is your relationship with food like?  I love FOOD

3. What was the last time you had fun that made you smile for a few days?  hanging out with friends and family

4. What are triggers in your life that lead to eating? depression

5. What inspires you to be healthier?  I try to be healthy, as my dad passed from Congested Heart Failure and 
was also a diabetic. 

6. Name two foods that you think are “bad”? Oysters and Escargot (SUPER GROSS)

7. Are your expectations for yourself too high? sometimes but think we females are always a little harder on 

8. Would you like more fun in your life? I actually have a lot of fun with life, life's too short

9. What is your one comfort food? Peanut butter and crackers

10. How would you give someone encouragement? Funny,  I am a suicide prevention advocate,  I always
encourage others to never give up, because somebody out there needs you.

11. Do you get enough sleep? I sleep 4 -5 hrs (guess that is all I am needing right now)

12. What activities make you feel more relaxed?   Photography, and playing with our fur babies

13. Where do you need to practice forgiveness in your life?  I  go to bed with a clear conscious very night

14. What is one thing you have not done because of how you looked?  I've never really not done things because
of how I look.  

15. What would you like more of in your life?  wishing I had the ability to know the unknown,  IE what was my early
family like from the 1500's?  What was it like having brothers fight against brothers in the Civil War?  What was it like 
coming to America by boat?  or for my one ancestor what was it like coming to the unknown then nearly 100 yrs before
America was discovered?  



  1. #6 - I totally TOTALLY agree with you. I had an oyster once - never again. It was just horrific.




  2. Those are certainly interesting last questions.

  3. Funny how people vary in need for sleep. I need 8 to 10 ho urs every night or I am useless! enjoyed reading. Glad you are joining Tuesday4!!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8