Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Bw makes me smile day 209
This beautiful Sunflower is in Baxter Springs, KS is the Sunflower state. I think it is close to 7ft tall
Wednesday, July 28
Jeremiah 17:1414 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
BW makes me smile day 209
This beautiful Sunflower is in Baxter Springs, KS is the Sunflower state. I think it is close to 7ft tall
Wednesday, July 28
Jeremiah 17:1414 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.Love the new hair cut
I got almost 6" cut off my hair :) I love my long hair, however with this heat, it would just get drenched and my shoulder sometimes it was hard for me to comb.
These pics are only 2 days apart
Thank you is never enough
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday Gator
Also, enjoy your angel food cake and your tacos as this was your traditional dinner and fav cake. Oh how I miss making homemade tacos for you today.
It has been so hot its unreal, were under heat advisory had July and Aug temps in June and still getting hotter. I love you to the moon and back always have and always will.
RIP my love till we meet again.
This is that last decent pic, Gator was a bit of a humorist, so him sticking his tongue out at me was just his humor.
bw day 205 72421
Happy Saturday, hope your staying cool its a scorcher here in SE KS heat advisory until 8pm
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday we all have so much to be thankful for every day of the week not just on Thursday
I am ever so thankful for friends who have checked on me this week.
the cooler temps we had earlier in the week
unconditional love of my pets
cell phones to make sending photos to the funeral home easier
my salvation
the church family I have
my family as we lay mom to rest tomorrow *Friday*
family members who are traveling today and tomorrow
mil who is recovering from surgery
covid being on the rise again
my shoulder MRI looks like a possible shoulder replacement vs a rotator cuff tear
that I can get packed and get out of this place I live....its not fit hardly for the animals too live in much less humans
day 203 bw makes me smile 72221
wild daisies
Thursday, July 22Psalm 27:11 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Mom is at peace now
Hello there, The lord called momma home at 1204am on 71721 she ran to our Father's arms to meet my dad and many relatives/friends. The smile on her face when she left us was priceless.
After being at the hospital all day on Friday, I was leaving to come home at 1 am to make a 3 hr trip, one of my friends and family insisted I come by and try to sleep a little after just loosing mom and then trying to drive. I am very appreciative even now. My Mother in law has been with me this week so that if mom passed in the night I would not be here alone any time is hard loosing a loved one its just been too soon since Gator to be alone.
I get home yesterday am 10ish to find my mil had fallen during the night and broke her hip, sitting here all alone the pain and fear I can't even imagine. Called 911 then spent the rest of day in Joplin at the hospital please pray for her and her kids. As, this next journey in her life at 79 is going to be tough.
If I am away for a little bit please do not worry I will update as I can. love to all and be blessed
ALWAYS TELL YOUR LOVED ONES>>>>THAT YOU LOVE THEM as tomorrow is never promised
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Mom update prayers please
hello there my bloggie friends. I am so thankful for each and every one of you.
I am sorry there has been a whole lot of life thrown at me over the last last couple of months
Mom is now very critical, her kidneys have started the shut down phase, I was able to go and spend all day with her on Monday, the swelling from water retention is horrible, she is needing dialysis however due to her health she isn't a candidate as it would do more harm than good and she is now only on soft foods, (jello, pudding, applesauce etc) please pray for comfort for her.
Also, today would have been Gator and mine 3rd anniversary, I am just a basket of emotions right now. I have had to say several times today...>Lord keep your hand on my shoulder and the other hand over my mouth.
Then to top it off I made a post on MY facebook page asking my friends to pray for comfort for my mom since her kidneys are starting to fail (see above) my brother tells me to take my post on momma down as everybody doesn't need to know what is going on....again it is my page. I happen to have friends and family who actually care, most who have known my mom since I was a kid. So now it is wrong for me to ask for prayer and support .....apparently so. So to keep peace I took the post down. Satan is coming at me in all directions and is getting to where it is no longer funny.
Satan, you have no room in my life or my families life. I demand thru Jesus stripes that you have no power over me, and you are no longer welcome in or around me....Get the behind me in JESUS NAME
Sunday, July 11, 2021
BW day 190 191 7921 71021
Day 190 and 191 7921 71021
Friday, July 09Acts 4:19-2019 But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
BW day 189 7821
Day 189 July 8 2021
Thursday, July 08Isaiah 6:88 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Thankful Thursday 7821
Thankful Thursday
Thankful for my salvation and knowing that God will never forsake me
my mother in law who has been trying to help me get packed
a/c for this scorching heat we are having
my church family
the unconditional love of my pets
growing closer with some family who had me as the bad person and are now seeing the truth
my mom she is still not out of the woods, she has lost down to 68 lbs yes you see that right
that the hospital gets her the care she needs we are not physically able to take care of her
my brother and sil who is doing the best they can do
our family *we have some others not in good health*
that I can get out of this place sooner than later
Day 187 bw 7621
day 187 bw 7621
This old barn with silo attached, still had the (looked like a chicken house in the back, I couldn't tell
It pays off to go onto roads less traveled, for me I am never disappointed on my finds, God always gives me a wonderful surprise.
what treasures do you enjoy finding? Do you drive off the beaten path to find treasures?
Tuesday, July 06
Romans 12:99 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.Day 183 bw 7121
Day 182 7121 bw
The bridge is 123 feet in length with a total width of 19 feet. It is the only remaining unaltered example of the Modified Pratt Through Truss design in the state of Oklahoma.
This bridge in Chelsea Oklahoma was added to the National Historic Places September 6 2006
Do you enjoy finding hidden treasures? When you travel old roads does it take you back in time or do you say "it is just a road"
Tomorrows photo is the first oil well in OK 1989
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23 NLT
Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday
what are you thankful for?
Thankful for the old fashioned hymn sing along last evening at church
Cooler temps
Rain, although it needs to stop 15" of rain since Saturday
food in the fridge
my mother in law helping me with packing trying to get stuff done
friends who reach out
dependable transportation
PLEASE PRAY for mom she has been in the hospital since Sat,
decisions that need to be made re my move
that we get most of the packing done, (my health is permitting doing alot)
that I can get out of this rat hole (putting it nicely)
for income so that I can keep my utilities on until I move
SS who keeps dragging their feet.
some family members going thru cancer, has been with hospice, now needs a facility (this is my cousin's mom) please pray for my cousin who is now dealing with this chapter in life, but lost her daughter to suicide only 2 yrs ago.
continue praying for our country
Thursday, July 01Isaiah 61:11 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,
Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for the church I have found and the family there.
Ladies get together last evening from church, great fellowship and food glad my mother in law got to go also she had a great time.
The break from the hot weather, this last week was super nice. Now back to the oven we go
Friends, checking on me making sure I am doing ok
ac/s for this hot weather
dependable car has a lot of miles
food in the fridge and cabinets
Please keep me in your prayers I had another fall on Tuesday (this time in the bathroom, twisted my back, knee and jammed my right arm again, which was just healing from the first fall)
still haven't gotten moved, there has been road block after road block I am not even half way through packing yet. I desperately need out of this house!
Pray for our church they just hired a new youth minister, will be here the middle to end of July
There is a lot of things going on with my life God knows all the details, pray that it is his will not mine
health issues, financial issues.
I am here to pray, talk, laugh or cry with you if you need.
Thursday, June 24James 1:2020 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires
BW Day 173 174
Day 173 and 174 bw
Tuesday, June 22Joshua 1:99 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Wednesday, June 23Ephesians 5:2525 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
Happy Sonday
Happy Sonday
Today our sermon at church was over holiness and being truly devoted to God
Our country is divided into 2 parts Sacred and Secular the sacred includes Church, Mission Trips, Bible Study, VBS, Small Group, Praise and worship Secular includes Sports, shopping, taking a cart to the place, driving (anything our of church basically fits into this group. Some people think that God doesn't care about secular, sure he does he wants us to be like him in everything we do. Everything we do and say is a reflection on our relationship with Jesus.
Holiness is very hard
Here are some scriptures given James 5:15-18, 1Peter 3:7, Leviticus 20:26, Leviticus 19:2 1Peter 1:15-19, Matthew 5:48, Ecclesiastes 12:13 the posted scriptures below are from the NIV
James 5:15-18Bw dat 161 162 abd 163
Black and white day 161 162 and 163
Thursday, June 10John 15:1313 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Friday, June 111 Chronicles 16:1212 Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,
A nasty fall
A nasty fall
HEY GANG! AND BLOGGIE BUDDIES last evening Wed 6221 I took a very bad fall
after going to the er, nothing is broken however I am bruised from my right shoulder to my wrist, my left hip knee . I am very sore, which is to be expected I stepped on some algae on a large sandstone and down I went. I am right hand dominant If not better with pain by Sunday Monday at latest they want me to come back for mri and ctscan.
I have a gash from my elbow down almost to my wrist. Jarred my neck and back I am sore in places I didn't know even existed.
thank you for the prayers I appreciate them
In honor of my 3 veterans in my family
In Honor of 3 the veterans in my family
Happy Memorial Day its time we get back to the "true meaning" of this day it isn't about the parties, boating etc.
I have family members that are veterans from the very first war (not WW1) the very first war. I think the French Revaluation (sorry my memory isn't the best)
These 3 are the only ones I could get yesterday (I drove 3 hrs each way to get these)
This top one is the entrance caught the flags all flying
Gators headstone, I put the pennies there (it shows somebody visited) His headstone says Gary Alexander, EORC (His rank) Persian Gulf (where he served) dob dod and the bottom says, "gator husband of Regina <that's me Funny the middle penny is a 67 same as me I didn't plan that I just grabbed some pennies and put them on it
A nice couple took a pic of me with Gators headstone RIP my love
Entrance way FT Gibson National Cemetery FT Gibson OK
Entrance way to Ft Gibson National Cemetery where Gator and Granddad are interred
This is my great granddad he was a WW1 vet thank you for your service RIP