Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Sad Sleepy Survey Rambles

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing.
 This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all
 types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you 
is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. 
(Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and
Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!

Questions from Sad Sleepy Survey Rambles

Have you ever been teased because of the things you like? most definitely back in the day 
unicorns were my thing, and what a collection I have  this was way before what unicorns mean
Do you hold grudges? 
 No life is too short!

Were there any classes you enjoyed because of the teacher?  
I always loved my History teachers

Was there a dress code at your school?  not a uniform , yes we had to follow dress codes
NO SHORT SHORTS, and no SHORT SHORT SKIRTS, shirts had to be tucked in, hair look
Have you ever been a bad friend?
I like to think I haven't  I can't seem to recall that I have ever hurt anybody intentionally
Has a friend ever replaced you with somebody else?
yes, many of my school friends moved on to others there is a small handful of us that
are still fairly close
Have you ever disliked something just because it was popular?
I am a trendsetter not a fad follower
Have you ever watched a movie just because it starred an actor you liked?\
oh yea, I mean who hasn't
Are there actors/musicians you have met?
yes,  I met John Schneider (Luke Duke From Dukes of Hazzard, Reba McIntyre,
 Suzzi Ludsinger (reeba's sister) ronnie milsap, george strait, and last but not least
Jacklyn Smith is my 2nd cousin, she is so pretty.  I also met Hilton, and several people from
the Guilding Light
Do you ever judge people based on the music they listen to?
NO, I may not like it but there is only one judge and it sure isn't me
What about your top five music albums?
old country, 70's rock, 80's rock, Gospel and blues
Do you remember the first album you ever owned?
yes it was an 8 track in my 67 Mustang  Porter Wagoner/Dolly pardon
Do you still use an mp3 player, or just your phone?
I still have my mp3 player
Do you like Elton John?
he is a talented singer, and like most of his music
Have any celebrity deaths hit you hard? Which one(s)?
Doris Day (grew up watching her)  all of our old country singers who have passed on
farrah faucet as Gator is fighting colon cancer and Patrick Swayze the both hit close to home


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