Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Linking up for this fun hop THANK you BEV for
this fun hop!!sunday stealing

TMI Tuesday

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated
 on the WTIT Blog with Bud Weiser. Here we will 
steal all types of questions from every corner of the
blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will 
work hard to find the most interesting and 
intelligent questions. You may have heard 
the expression, “honor among thieves”. 
In that age-old tradition, we try to credit 
the blog that we stole it from, if possible.
We also provide a link to the victim's questions
 in our "Previous Victims" widget. (It's our way of 
saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the original 
meme, to make it more relevant to our global 
players, to challenge our players, to select the
 best questions, or simply to make it less 
repetitive from recently asked questions from
 a previously post. Cheers to all of us thieves!

These are from Kwizgiver, who says
 it was Stolen from Samantha who
 stole it from TMI Tuesday, which
 stopped publishing in 2011. 

(Photo just 'cause Kwizgiver will like it)

1. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or 
musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?
2. You seem to be having an excellent day because
you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the
sidewalk. Holy crap, a hundred bucks! How are you
 gonna spend it.
being in the financial basis we are in, right now it
would be used for groceries

3. What is your favorite curse word
OH SNAP!  I generally do not curse
4. You can travel any time in the PAST.
What time are you traveling to and what are 
you going to do when you get there?
I would go back to 1982 and grasp ahold
of GATOR and never let him go.  35 yrs later
we were back together, we waisted 35 yrs 
of being miserable and not happy
5. You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. 
They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they 
endow you with the super-power of your choice! 
What’s it gonna be?
I would endow the power to twinkle my
 nose and have things
done in an instant IE housework,
garden yard work
6. When did you last use your cell phone
 as a flashlight?
Funny, I use mine on a nightly basis, for a night
light so not to step on the puppies if I have to get 
up and go to bathroom
7. On a scale from 1-10, how comfy are you 
being naked?
when I am home with no company 8
8. When did you last use food or drink to 
enhance your mood?
Gator does this nightly when he cooks, 
he is a romanticist 

9. Give us a word that gets you excited.
KARAOKE love going to karaoke
10. Now give us one that makes you squirm.
11. What word makes you smile?
when GATOR out of blue tells me "honey your just as
BEAUTIFUL  today as you were when you were 15"
so the word would be BEAUTIFUL


  1. Oh I love that nose twitch for housework and just anything around the homestead.
    Also I use a night light for similar reasons. but never the cell. They rest far away so as not to disturb us. Have a great week!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8