Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday Stealing TEA Q & A  Bev has this cool bloghop that I enjoy linking up with

1. What is your middle name and what is a middle name you'd rather have instead? Why?

A. GAIL, love my middle name

2. How would you spend $1MM (you have to spend every penny!)

A. pay off house get if fixed back up, new truck, new household items

3. Yellow light - speed up or slow down?

A. slow-down, idiots here will cause a wreck to get through it

4. What was the last movie you saw and what did you like/dislike about it?

A. minions, whats not to like about laughing?

5. If a movie was made about you, who would portray you in that movie?

A. I would choose Jennifer Aniston

6. What is the strangest thing you've eaten and what did it taste like?

A. HMMM, this one is hard because I love all kind of food. grilled beets
however, they were actually good as I do not prefer beets

7. What color is your bathroom?

A. blue walls, with coral rugs, shower curtain, accessories

8. If you could vacation anywhere in the world RIGHT NOW, where would it be and why?

A. Europe esp Germany/Ireland to find my heritage and yes Scotland I would love seeing those beautiful castles

9. What is your least favorite thing to cook?

A.  liver & onions not my favorite thing to eat either

10. What is the dish you make that your family rolls their eyes at?

A.  hominy

11. What are three things on your bucket list?

A. seeing the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Colorado

12. How many skeins of yarn do you think you are currently hoarding?

A. lol too many the last time I counted there was 27 I do alot of crafts

13. Today is my birthday.  What virtual gift are you going to give me?

A.  an e-card, and some beautiful roses

14. What is your favorite candy?

A. butterscotch not much of a sweet eater

15. What is your favorite time of the day and why?

A.   sometime after noon,  I am not much of a morning person

16. If you could call in sick for a day, what would you do with the time?

A. read and relax

17. How much did your last crafting run cost you?

A. 35.00 

18. Can you play a musical instrument and if so, which one?

A. I play the piano, clarinet, oboe, AND learning how to play the mandolin

19. What is your least favorite craft that you still do? Why?

A. least favorite, I am not sure I enjoy doing them all

20. If you could have any job for just one day, what would it be and what would you do?

A.  discovering a cure for cancer and telling my plan to the FDA


  1. Hope you get all your bucket list fulfilled. When in Vegas go see the Wild horses, too. They may not be there long.
    Liver and onions might have been my family's least favorite thing, too, come to think of it.
    Love your answer to 20. That would be the best news that most people would be dancing in the streets over. Good call!

  2. I would like to see you have that job for a day. If you could pull that off, you would be world renown.

  3. Enjoyed your answers. I hope you get all the blessings. xx


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Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8