Tuesday, July 5, 2011

100 things about me

Tara, over at "Undeserving Grace" is hosting a very exciting link.
It is called a "100 Things About Me."
I thought this would be a great link up.
A fun way for us all to get to know our bloggie friends a bit better.

1.  I am in love with the most wonderful person on the Planet 
2   I am not a chocolate fan!
3.    I HATE snakes, spiders (any of those good are dead)
4.    I love living in the country.
5.    Sweet tea is a must for me (year round)
6.    I think life is too short, not to have dessert first
7.    I do not watch the news (too depressing local or world)
8.    I love the ocean
9.    I have never been to Las Vegas, or the mountains
10.  I am fun loving, sincere, real, down to earth.
11.  I have had a heat stroke in the past
12.  Baseball & Nascar are my favorite sports

This is a new hop, would like to see all my "bloggie family" join in on the fun.



  1. So glad you are doing this 11 things about me.
    it is so fun!
    Love the look of your blog.
    Purple is one of my favorite colors
    I love baseball and and NASCAR as well

  2. I am glad you are posting the "100 Things About Me" but this is getting a bit on the strange side. Are you sure you are not just a younger ME. Facts about me.
    1. My first husband was Bob (the boys dad) but your Bob is for sure a BETTER BOB.
    2. I have never been a fan of Chocolate and thought I was the only female that way.
    3. If a snake wiggles it is dead around me. No such the as a Good Snake my husband likes Bull Snakes, he says they do away with the Rattlesnakes I don't care they wiggle too.
    4. After finally getting to the country in '87 there is no way I would ever go back to the city but the city is coming to me. May need to move farther out.
    5. My guys use to call tea "Unsweet Tea, Sweet Tea and Momma Tea" mine had 1/2 the sugar bowl in it. HA HA
    6. Dessert is the best pa

  3. 6. cont. part of the meal, sometimes all the meal.
    7. The news is always the same just the bandwidth change.
    8. I have only been to the ocean twice in my life but both times I thought it was beautiful.
    9. I have been to Las Vegas once, don't need to go back, now the mountains are another story. I love the mountains any way any how. Now this is from someone who lives on the flat flat plains.
    10. Fun Loving,Sincere and Down To Earth that's me too.
    11. I had a Heat Stroke when I was in the 7th Grade.
    12. Football & NASCAR are my favorite sports. My sister and brother-in-law built a Sprint Car that ran with The World of Outlaws for 5 years.

    Now tell me, ARE WE KINDRED SPIRITS OR WHAT. I tried to post this to you 4 times this morning but my phone kept messing up. Hope it goes this time. LOVE TO YOU. Can't wait to see the other 88 points about you and me.

    rainbow (Momma Lyn)


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8