Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge brought to you by the Letter B

Brought to you by the Letter B

Welcome to this week's edition of the weekly Hodgepodge. 

Here are my answers to this week's questions. Answer on your own blog, then add your link at the end of my post. Hodgepodge links only here today, please! 

1. Since the questions posted on the first day of April it seemed only right to ask-when was the last time you did something foolish?  If you can't answer that one, try this one-when was the last time someone fooled you?
I do silly things everyday, however, I got the waitress at the local Denny's since it was after midnight and was the 1st I said since it is april fools day it is free right?

2. What's the last biography or non-fiction book you've read? Was it any good?
I am reading life is short but wide and yes it is very interesting, its about a small town in OK

3. Garlic-friend or foe? What's your favorite dish made with garlic?
yes garlic is my friend and the last dish I made was garlic baked fish

4. Several spring flower festivals happen in the US during the month of April. Of those listed which would you most like to see in person...The Skagit Tulip Festival in Skagit Washington, The Dogwood Arts Festival in Knoxville Tennessee, The North Carolina Azalea Festival in Wilmington North Carolina, orDaffodil Festival Weekend on Nantucket Island Massachusetts?
being from OK, we have all of these flowers, however I will be attending the local azalea festival here on Sat.  but of the ones listed I would love to go to the dogwoods

5. How do you choose which blogs to read?  What is something that will make you stop and read every time? Something that makes you say, 'eh, think I'll skip this and move on to the next'?
I look for title, then how often they update *I have found some interesting blogs but they have not been updated in a very long time.  Very rarely do I skip blogs,
I love looking at everybody's imagination and seeing the designs, bling etc

6. April is National Mathematics Education Month so tell us, when did you last use math?
I use math on a daily basis with my job.

7. In honor of the A-Z challenge which kicked off on April 1...choose one word beginning with the letter A to describe your yesterday.
Average day!.....nothing major happened, good or bad so that is always a good day

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am loving the a-z challenge so far, this is my first time doing it so still a bit nervous...


  1. I will have to come back to check out your A-Z posts. Today I'm trying to get to the Hodgepodges from last week. Too much on my calendar so I'm a little slow to make it here. Good luck with the Challenge!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8