it was rough at first, little did I know the life
lessons that would be thrown at me, right after
the challenge began.
I struggled, got behind, struggled some more,
but all in all finally got caught up
and now I am going to miss the daily challenge.
I have had so much fun. Thank you for allowing
me to participate
Last but not least, Z is for ZZZZ yes I believe!!!
we all need those z's
on a serious note and for today's letter Z
I have chosen Zamarra.......which is none other than
a sheepskin coat you can read more here >>>zamarra
how cool is this? being from spain and getting to wear
this being a spanish shepherd. It states, that it begin
in the middle ages...but what are the middle ages?
we think of the middle ages of 50s .
Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this
very cool blog
awaiting for the next challenge