Dog noun: a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.
Dirt noun: any foul or filthy substance, as mud, grime, dust, or excrement.
Downtown adverb: to or in the main business section of a city.
Dugout noun: Baseball. a roofed structure enclosed on three sides and with the fourth sideopen and facing the playing field, usually with the floor below ground level,where the players sit when not on the field.
Dream noun: a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mindduring sleep.
David noun:
died c970 b.c., the second king of Israel, reigned c1010–c970, successor toSaul: slayer of the Philistine giant Goliath.
I have 2 dogs buddy the boxer and pepper the lhasa apsa
they are spoiled rotten but then again who has dogs that arent
when we go out after the rain, they get so dirty then it is a struggle for bath time
I love visiting downtown cities, and have been to Chicago, St. Louis,
San Antonia, Corpus Christi, Memphis, Little Rock, LA, Anaheim, San Diego,
OKC, Bakersfield, Tulsa, Dallas, Phoenix, Flagstaff, Houston, I also
didn't mention traveling is one of my favorite past times.
I have never been to a professional baseball game and it is my favorite sport
have been to several farm team games.
We all dream and when we stop dreaming I think the term they use
is dead.
David on the other hand must have been a brave soul to be the one
to kill Goliath do you think he had dreamed he would be the killer?
did he follow his dream or was it because he followed Gods word?
I believe the latter of the 2, david was one of God's faithful servants.
Happy blogging
Do you enjoy challenges?
I love my pit bull, coco.