Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A-Z challenge L is for Ladder

L is for Ladder  noun

a structure of wood, metal, or rope, commonly consisting of two sidepieces 
between which a seriesof bars or rungs are set at suitable distances, 
forming a means of climbing up or down.
something resembling this.
a means of rising, as to eminence: the ladder of success.
a graded series of stages or levels in status; a hierarchical 
order of position or rank: high on thepolitical ladder.
Nautical companionway  def 1 .

ladders, come in many sizes, colors - short, tall, step ladders, 
safety ladders, painters think that you get the idea.
however, I am not a fan of ladders (but being short, sometimes I have to 
resort to using them) the reason I do not like ladders...I AM TERRIFIED
of HEIGHTS!!!  I do think it is cool making things to climb on 
when you are a kid making bridges and all kind of cool
toys out of ladders , but keeping them on the ground.

Firefighters use ladders to help save lives on a day to day basis, they also use
the ladder truck or ladders to help rescue poor kitty from the tree.
Ladders are used by teenagers, to escape out of their windows if needed.
Painting a home a ladder is very useful.   Any home owner would be 
wise to own a couple of different varieties of ladders.

Happy a-z blogging

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