Tuesday, April 8, 2014

a - z blog challenge Day 6 F

F is for Freedom

Freedom noun:
the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.

many of our fore-fathers fought for our freedom, from the revolutionary war 
to the present day.  Freedom has a very high price for the word free,
Freedom is not free now, nor has it ever been.

I am probably going to be stepping on some toes (apologizing in advance)
some of our freedoms are being taken away every day,  sad to say yes?
first of all, our freedom to have a gun is being challenged (that is our right
according to the 2nd amendment)  our freedom of speech is being taken away
with the politically correct way of saying things now, however for me
If I want to say something, I do not care of all the politically correct jigamorow(this is a made up word, but think you get the idea) I tell it like it is
so to say (how the cow ate the cabbage)

Our country was not born on "I am afraid of offending that person, or that one over there"  nor was our country created to have our Freedom taken away from us.  

So just remember the next time you see a veteran stop and thank him/her
for their service and fighting for your freedom! They do this 24/7, in the god awful heat, cold, rain, sleet snow and shine, they do not say  "it is not my job, but how may I protect my country"

which brings me to this song.....Let FREEDOM RING!!!!!

Happy Blogging


  1. Interesting fact is that Canada, where people feel very safe, is not a gun-oriented nation. sooo, it depends ... :)

  2. The protectors of our freedom, they deserve our thanks over and over.

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8