Friday, May 20, 2011

365 days of pictures ~day 8~ tree taken down by twister

Welcome to day 8 of picture a day.
This tree was ripped out of the ground a year ago the 13th of this month.  What is weird, it hit at 5am I was snoozing really good and all the sudden I thought somebody was trying to break into the house so sitting up in bed, I jumped to my feet, grabbed my robe went to the kitchen to look out as I have aluminum foil over the window to keep out the west sun.  I get to the kitchen I am like trees are down everywhere.  My neighbor's light comes on so I call him to ask what just happened?  To my surprise it was a tornado wow!!! I almost slept through that?  I could tell trees were down by the light of the porch light, (it was 5am) still dark outside.  It was here and done with before I even knew what hit me WOW I could have met my maker this am and not even known what happened.  Good thing I always pray before I go to bed.   The roaring train sound was one of the most horrible sounds you can ever imagine, the howling like a wild animal (gives me goose bumps remembering those horrid sounds)  Daylight comes, and then  I can see not only 1 tree is down but there is 3 across the driveway how am I ever gonna get out to go to work?  The neighbor is outside and thankfully I drove an suv and could maneuver over the ditch pretty well.  Off to work I go, my neighbors see my car and stop in and say wow your ok I thought everybody down by you were goners.  Now up till late in the afternoon the weather men kept saying flat line winds...NO way in HECK did straight or flat line winds take this tree (that was so big 4 people couldn't put there arms around it) and twist it like a broken rubberband.  I posted on my tweeter no it wasn't flat or straight line, it was a tornado, that they needed to come and ck out the actual damage. About 2 hours later my dad said they finally classified it as as F2 twister.   Living in tornado alley can be pretty scary, but for the most part it is really one of the neatest places to live.  I have been in 2 twisters, and close to the 3rd.  They are very scary and all I know the first one I was in was an F3 and it is by the grace of God I am still here telling about that one, there was no place for shelter, so we had to provide our own shelter to say. cover the head, and hit the glad for those practice drills while in school.

Have you ever been through a tornado?  Did you hear the hollowing? or the train sound?

1 comment:

  1. I'm terrified of tornadoes. Thanks for the follow. Following you back :)
    Debbie from


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Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8