Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 11 beautiful colors

If I were a leaf floating from the trees, I would be the prettiest leaf ever seen.  I may be orange,  red, yellow, brown or green but no doubt I would be the prettiest leaf seen.  I may be tattered or whole intact if I am tatterted and torn I will still be there for you to adorn.  Will you wonder why I'm tattered or will you know it came from falling from the sky so high?  Or will you just guess its from all the walking feet?   I may be big small or in between, but will always be the prettiest leaf you've ever seen.

Hope you all are having a great week :)

  1. Psalm 104:19
    He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
    Psalm 104:18-20 (in Context) Psalm 104 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations


A Tricky Hodgepodge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Hop around and say hi to the neighbors too. Here we go-

1. What's something you're dealing with that might be described as tricky?  Dealing with an idiotic shoulder, it is tricky writing you all would laugh if you saw the way I have to do!!!!  Find out tomorrow rather I have to have surgery or not...Please keep in prayers!!!
2. What's your treat of choice?   Rice Krispie treats ;)
3. Did you/will you carve a jack-o-lantern this month? Which real (living or dead) or fictional 'Jack' would you most like to meet in person? Why?   No I did not carve a pumpkin,  I am dangerous with a knife  oh wait does it count if I did it on my phone?  I have a cool app that allows me to carve pumpkins  as far as Jack,  I would go with Jack in the Bean Stalk  because who wouldnt want to meet a real life giant

4. In your opinion, what's the grossest sounding word in the English language?  escargot....that just sound disgusting BARRRFFFF *I am not eating snails no way shape or form****
5. When did your heart last skip a beat?    The first time Gilligan & I kissed I think it skipped about 4
6.  Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett, Michael Jackson's Thriller, Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon or Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters...your favorite 'scary' tune?   Gee this is hard, but I think I am going to go with something not listed as in one eyed one horned flying purple people eater by the Sheb Wooley but off the list yes it is Thriller.
7.  It was a dark and stormy night when...all the lights went out, the wind was howling, it was freezing rain outside then all you heard was the sound of the trees falling (they sounded like canons)
8.  Insert your own random thought here.     If you take your children trick or treating please be careful.  Dress in britly lit colors and have a flashlight!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monday quiz: the Haunting version

Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced. We are continuing to answer questions together. Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like: Acting Balanced Here are the Questions: 1. When you went trick or treating as a kid; what did you hope people were giving out? 2. What radio station do you listen to while driving? 3. How much do you think should be the maximum one would spend on a three year old's birthday party? 4. When do you know that you trust someone? Our Responses 1. When you went trick or treating as a kid; what did you hope people were giving out? I always liked popcorn balls (back then they were home made) 2. What radio station do you listen to while driving? 94.1 the breeze 3. How much do you think should be the maximum one would spend on a three year old's birthday party? I really don't think it is about how much, I think it is the point that counts, however a 3 yr old really isn't going to remember. 4. When do you know that you trust someone? well, I have the tendency to trust everybody, too easily and yes it backfires on me alot!!! but most that know me know that I am a trust worthy person And here is our 5th Question: Have you ever lost your voice before? If so, what did you do about it? I have lost my voice, let it go its course and try not talk (keyword try lol) Now, please link up and tell your friends to join us! This is a Blog Hop!

DAY 10 beautiful sunflowers

 while out and about today these beautiful sunflowers appeared I know from Heaven as I was wondering what I was going to do my picture today on.

Seeing these radiant flowers in full bloom gave me a BIG reminder that there is somebody in higher power still in control
all the way down to the last it looks very tattered and torn from the wind or perhaps the grasshoppers are eating it (they have already killed my tomato plant, and eating their way on several other plants/trees)

The big trucks in the back ground ....are at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa,  (the most inland port in the World) if you want some history just google.

Hope you have a great week ahead

Do you enjoy seeing the wildflowers?

11 My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline
or be weary of his reproof,  12) For the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.

Friday, October 25, 2013

day 9 can you find the face

this afternoon I was out walking at parents and  these 2 (black walnuts) were laying on the ground.  I was like wow look at the little faces, mom got more excited than me, ;)

 they make a good conversation piece don't you think?

Do you enjoy finding faces in nature?

Friday Flash 55

I have stopped over here a few times, so thought it would be fun to stop once again.
you just write a 55 word post then go to his site and post it..simple huh?  I know we all snarl to think that 55 is hard to come by well really it isn't because just telling about it I have (63 words) hey cool and I haven't even gotten to my post lol,

Today Friday October 25th 2013 we had our first major freeze, yayy no more ahhchooing, still next spring.  Hopefully we have a cold (which I hate cold) but we need cold weather to help kill out the sickness', ticks and spiders.  Do you
agree that the cold helps prevents things for the next year?
Hope everybody has a kickin weekend.

Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop – week 135


Welcome to the 135th weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop!

Each week, Hilary will plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her . If she uses them,she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Carla from Random Rambings! she came up with the last two statements! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY NEED SOME STATEMENTS!

This week’s statements:
1) I wear the color ____ a lot
2) I think that ____ make the _____
3) Ugh! ____ is getting on my nerves!
4) ____ was a major accomplishment ____.

My Answers:
1) I wear the color purple a lot
2) I think that shreded cheese makes any dish
3) Ugh! texting & driving is really getting on my nerves!
Getting my 4 yr soldiers angels was a major accomplishment FOR ME

Please add the Follow Friday button to your post, or your blog.
Please follow me. Since Google Friend connect is gone, please follow through networked blogs, Facebook fan page or by email….If there is a co-host, please follow them as well. Leave a comment! I will follow back!
Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky and post on your blog…
If you tweet, please use #F5-bloghop so I can find you…
And please check out my other blog, DANGLED CARAT, which is all about relationships. If you want to be featured, just email Hilary Any posts about relationships are welcome! 

day 8 beautiful sunset

Tonight when I went to my parents to eat supper with them, on the way over there  noticed this beautiful sunset (the 1st picture taken around 5:45) 

On the way back home 2nd picture was taken around 7pm what a change *the last 2 were taken through the windshield*  The 3rd picture was taken at 7:15 what a difference 45 minutes makes when you are taking pictures of the sunset.

(Oklahoma has some of the prettiest sunsets in the spring and fall)  and you know fall *not spose to be heater weather, as I am typing this it is a whopping 34* outside ;( I do not like cold weather it makes my hurts hurt more lol.

Do you have beautiful sunsets where you are? are they seasonal?

Photo a day

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thankful Thursday Time does a nice Thankful Thursday
if you haven't stopped by her blog you should.

Thankful for my health
my parents are still healthy for their age
cooler weather means prettier colors,
setting up for a beautiful fall foilage *expecting HARD freeze tonight*
dependable transportation
roof over me, food in fridge
electric to make it cozy
Hoping that the St. Louis Cards come back for a win ;)
friends just stopping by to say hi.

My forever companion pepper who loves me unconditionally

many blessings

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 7 How cool is this?

This old tree fell just east of the house, last spring.  When they were here pulling up the remainder of the roots I saw something sparkle, I figured it was a coin or a piece of glass, wow was it ever pretty.

Its is amethyst quartz, I also found a very large white piece of quartz.  It was covered with dirt, so I bring it inside and let it soak overnight and then let it drain, and the results were breathtaking.  The pictures really do not do any justice.

It sits in my west window so that it can sparkle with all of its glory with the sun.  It glistens so pretty, every once in  a while I even catch a glimpse of a small  rainbow.   I have a huge collection of rocks that I have picked up over the years.  I even have the rock that I stepped on from when I shattered my ankle..another blog idea? hmmmm.

I know that some of you will remember this pic from other blog, but is a nice pic to share again ;)

DO you enjoy looking for rocks?
This is a blog hop please grab the button and link up share with others
Photo a day

For my beautiful friend Bethe

For those of you who have never stopped by Bethe's blog
her link is here
her blog is awesome.
I am giving this award to you Bethe because you are deserving!!!

Please pass it around once you are back into blogging

hugs to you my versatile friend


Wow, I had a whopping 7 comments on my waiting comments today,
I love my bloggie friends and family  you all rock

An Uncommon Hodgepodge

1. When it comes to good manners, what two top your list of most important?
I agree with Joyce, Please and Thank you
I think common courtesy is becoming a word of the past :( sad.  While I was living in CA I would hold the door open not that I have to, was being polite and the (women were bad about sticking their nose ) like I owed it to you to open the door
the older people on the other hand are so appreciative to the things we still do, one lady told me the other day it is so nice to still see polite people!!! ;)   My mom  n dad would still beat me to this day if I were rude or disrespectful to the elderly

2. Let's open a proverbial can of worms...Common Core.  Are you familiar with the term (talking education reform in the USA)? If so, care to share your thoughts? In your opinion, what is one of the biggest issues schools (in your home country) face today?
I think it is very sad that our children today can't suggest that they are going to pray, read their bible because it may offend somebody..pfft on that I was raised where we said the flag salute and a morning prayer before school, then when I got into high school we had a 10 minute bible study (to those who wanted to join) before school and you know it really helped get our minds into a positive attitude to start the day off right.

3. Name a celebrity whose fashion sense you admire and share why.
I like Jennifer Anniston also she is very classy ;)  I also like Ellen Degeneres (hides so not to get hit by pillows)  she is a very classy lady, who does a lot of good things for the people who are on her show...(don't agree with her lifestyle but she doesn't force it on me)  

4. How are you affected by the changing seasons?
I am from OK (where we have 4 seasons) after living in CA the last year I grew to appreciate the 4 seasons once moving back to OK>  I love the beautiful colors that we get here late oct to mid nov it is breath-taking.  I also love spring the awesome smells.  One thing I do not like doing is going from the AC to the heater lol I enjoy having the windows and attic fan on.    

5. Scariest book you've ever read?
I try not to read scary books I do not even like scary movies but would have to say (dont remember author or name) but was about a woman who got attacked by a rabbied cat she got pregnant having twins *one had the head of a kitty body of person, the other had head of person and body of kitty*  they were born possessed I know I had dreams about that crazy book for the longest time, it found its way to my dads burn pile one day.  

6. What time of day are you most hungry?  What's your go-to snack?
in the early evening 5ish-6ish when I do get hungry I eat peanuts or cheese until I eat dinner.  

7. Do you lean more towards being too needy or too independent? Which do you find harder to deal with in others?
I am the one they call independent since I was a small child, mom always said she would try to help me and I would reply  I DO IT MOM.   I think the needy independent are the hardest to deal with, because they are independent (likes to do things for them selves) needy (can't do things byself anylonger) either which way you have to have a lot of patients to deal with either one of them.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I Know we have all seen/heard/read this on every web page, radio station, tv station.       Please do not TEXT n DRIVE  it can wait.    There is not a text anywhere that is worth loosing your life or causing another death. 
I do not even answer my phone when I am driving although I use a blue tooth.  If it rings (Other than parents I pull over to shoulder to answer mom or dad) otherwise it can go to voicemail, or they can call me back later.

Day 6 umm ok

Why is it when I go to take a picture of a flower some kind of insect gets in the picture? do they like to have a photo of themselves?

Was taking a picture of the Rose of Sharon bloom and this (very)large grasshopper flies right into the picture.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 5 awesome deer

 welcome to day 5 hope everybody has a great Tuesday, looks like the midwest is in for COLDER than normal weather for the next couple of days ...good to snuggle up to computer or to some of my new books

Took these beauties at the Tulsa Zoo Park yesterday just about sunset (645 pm ish)

This one is mama she is cautiously watching as i am trying to get to a good place to stop

baby looks unconcerned that I am near and look  who also wants to be photographed the little squirrel comes out of no where he was getting a nut...but thought too cute ;)

grab your camera and keep it with you as you never know what you may see.

Do you enjoy shooting nature photos?

Friday, October 18, 2013

day 4 clay pot man

This clay pot man looks so relaxed sitting there in the shade on that bench.  This is actually one of my many flowerbeds here on the place.  This was where I lived before moving to CA but the memories are there forever

He used to have a bird that sat on the foot I guess the wind has blown it off.  I need to find more pots to redo him, as these are getting all cracked and broken *as they are plastic not clay*

Thursday, October 17, 2013

photo a day 3 old school

Konklin school district. This is not too far from where I live, mom n dad say its been closed since the late 60's. The older people that come around say it was built in the early 1900's.
I bet this old school can tell some stories. What are your school memories? My grade school is now office buildings.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 2 beautiful Rose

Welcome to Day 2 of photo a day

This beautiful rose bloomed just before the storms so I got the pic just in time.  It is pink and white normally
but due to the storms it faded quickly.

Hope you all are having a great week,
remember link up with us, and help us share share share

Hodgepodge #146

Joyce over here does a really
fun blog hop, if you haven't done so yet,,,,why not hop on over and show her some love and meet other cool bloggers as well

Here are the questions for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge...

1. What was your biggest worry five years ago?  Is it still a worry?   I was recovering from Shattering my ankle...wondering if I would ever be able to function normally again...yes I still worry with my ankle as I have to be extremely careful where I walk.

2. Yesterday (October 15th) was National Grouch Day...what makes you grouchy? What cheers you up when you're feeling grouchy?Flakey people makes me grouchy, I mean if you told me your gonna call and come hang out...then you text me and ask why I never called,   Seeing a good cherry movie, somebody to cuddle with and tell you everything gonna be all right

3.  In one word, how does it feel to be photographed?

4. Besides your parents, who would you say had the greatest influence on you in choosing your life path?  Explain. 
Friends parents, always taking me to church when mom was dealing with things (from having a mentally challenged brother who would throw tantrums to go to church) so they would always pick me up, and the pastor for teaching us the right way to do

5. The crisp days of autumn are here ...what's something you like to eat, but only if it's crisp?    hmmmm I love pumpkin bread but it isnt crispy

6. What's the most useless object you own?  hmmm this is tough, I guess I would say this bacon thing that I got for a gift a couple Christmas' ago, that goes in the microwave  *I do not like microwave bacon*  * i like to cook my food still on the stove

7.  Share a favorite fall memory. 
piling leaves so hi, down below the big hill  get a big piece of cardboard and slide down the hill into the pile of leaves :) :)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
why is it when you are friends with a person (or so they say) but when things don't work out to their advantage it all the sudden is your fault that things wont happen like they want?  then her hubby text you and curses u stating it is now your fault that my wife can't come back on road with me till nov *he is a truck driver*  it is not my fault.  Alcoholics have nothing better to do than pass the blame.  then he said I just lost 2 friends   WOW REALLY?  NOT FRIENDS AFTERALL

Blog Version of the Halloween Meme

I saw this at  looks like a cute
fun meme  this morning, and couldn't resist playing along. It is time to have a little fun with this blogging thing - especially since I'm still stuck on level 70 of Candy Crush after trying to beat it for two weeks. I need a distraction from the candies that just won't be crushed.

These are Melissa's directions:
Take the categories below. Open your blog. Look at the first comment on each of your last 10 posts. Fill in one name per category (keeping the order of most recent post to 10 posts ago) and link their name to their blog. Then hit publish. If you have a post without a comment, skip to the next one. And then chide your readers for screwing up your meme: obviously, they need to step it up and leave more comments.  (I had to use several of the same, I don't have too many followers or ones who leave comments)

In honour of every horror movie made in the 80's:
1. Decides the creepy house is safe  Bethe  
(I think this comes from watching too many Disney movies and not enough horror movies. Not that there is really such a thing as too many Disney movies.)

2. Screams like a Banshee.    Bethe
(You were just upset that you dropped your camera before you could snap a picture of the killer.)

3. Scares you as a joke.   Hilary
(I will get you back for this one day.)

4. Goes into the woods and gets killed.  Hilary
(This seems particularly sad because your blog is called feeling beachie, and now you won't be able to fulfill that title.)

5. First to go insane. Denise
(Don't worry, we are all just one half-step behind you.)

6. Murdered saving someone. Lisa
(So sad. At least you were wearing your Saved By The Bell t-shirt when it happened.)

7. Has your back no matter what jumps out. Beansieleigh

8. Has a solid survivor plan no one listens. Denise
(Your plan must not have involved eating cookies. I would have listened to that plan for sure.)

9. Runs off screaming never to be seen again.   Denise
(Wait, wait! I'll run with you! <---these are words I will never say or type again.)

10. Is the real killer. Denise
(Oh Denise, won't the Ewoks be disappointed in you?)

Do you agree with the results?   yes I agree
Is this a movie you would watch?  most definately
Which character type would you be in a horror movie?  I'd be the one everybody confides in