Friday, October 25, 2013

day 8 beautiful sunset

Tonight when I went to my parents to eat supper with them, on the way over there  noticed this beautiful sunset (the 1st picture taken around 5:45) 

On the way back home 2nd picture was taken around 7pm what a change *the last 2 were taken through the windshield*  The 3rd picture was taken at 7:15 what a difference 45 minutes makes when you are taking pictures of the sunset.

(Oklahoma has some of the prettiest sunsets in the spring and fall)  and you know fall *not spose to be heater weather, as I am typing this it is a whopping 34* outside ;( I do not like cold weather it makes my hurts hurt more lol.

Do you have beautiful sunsets where you are? are they seasonal?

Photo a day


  1. In Texas last night the sunset was stunning!!! The ones I loved most was in Tucson AZ during the 'monsoon season'....the vapor from the humidity in the sky always painted the sky so dramatically!!!

    Loved your photos today.

  2. Very amazing photos of the sunset. I was trying to decide which one I liked best....I couldnt pick. Love them all because they are hand painted by God for us to enjoy. Love Beth


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8