1. When it comes to good manners, what two top your list of most important?
I agree with Joyce, Please and Thank you
I think common courtesy is becoming a word of the past :( sad. While I was living in CA I would hold the door open not that I have to, was being polite and the (women were bad about sticking their nose ) like I owed it to you to open the door
the older people on the other hand are so appreciative to the things we still do, one lady told me the other day it is so nice to still see polite people!!! ;) My mom n dad would still beat me to this day if I were rude or disrespectful to the elderly
2. Let's open a proverbial can of worms...Common Core. Are you familiar with the term (talking education reform in the USA)? If so, care to share your thoughts? In your opinion, what is one of the biggest issues schools (in your home country) face today?
I think it is very sad that our children today can't suggest that they are going to pray, read their bible because it may offend somebody..pfft on that I was raised where we said the flag salute and a morning prayer before school, then when I got into high school we had a 10 minute bible study (to those who wanted to join) before school and you know it really helped get our minds into a positive attitude to start the day off right.
3. Name a celebrity whose fashion sense you admire and share why.
I like Jennifer Anniston also she is very classy ;) I also like Ellen Degeneres (hides so not to get hit by pillows) she is a very classy lady, who does a lot of good things for the people who are on her show...(don't agree with her lifestyle but she doesn't force it on me)
4. How are you affected by the changing seasons?
I am from OK (where we have 4 seasons) after living in CA the last year I grew to appreciate the 4 seasons once moving back to OK> I love the beautiful colors that we get here late oct to mid nov it is breath-taking. I also love spring the awesome smells. One thing I do not like doing is going from the AC to the heater lol I enjoy having the windows and attic fan on.
5. Scariest book you've ever read?
I try not to read scary books I do not even like scary movies but would have to say (dont remember author or name) but was about a woman who got attacked by a rabbied cat she got pregnant having twins *one had the head of a kitty body of person, the other had head of person and body of kitty* they were born possessed I know I had dreams about that crazy book for the longest time, it found its way to my dads burn pile one day.
6. What time of day are you most hungry? What's your go-to snack?
in the early evening 5ish-6ish when I do get hungry I eat peanuts or cheese until I eat dinner.
7. Do you lean more towards being too needy or too independent? Which do you find harder to deal with in others?
I am the one they call independent since I was a small child, mom always said she would try to help me and I would reply I DO IT MOM. I think the needy independent are the hardest to deal with, because they are independent (likes to do things for them selves) needy (can't do things byself anylonger) either which way you have to have a lot of patients to deal with either one of them.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I do not even answer my phone when I am driving although I use a blue tooth. If it rings (Other than parents I pull over to shoulder to answer mom or dad) otherwise it can go to voicemail, or they can call me back later.
Texting while drving is one of my biggest pet peeves. Adults and kids alike do it. All it takes is one second of looking down and it could all be over.
ReplyDeleteThat book sounds awfully wicked and evil. I'm not sure I could read it myself.
ReplyDeleteI love Ellen. I think she's hilarious. That book does sound awful! I don't read scary either, the world is scary enough on a regular basis, and I have an overactive imagination anyway. Enjoy your week!
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting how younger people believe things are soo important that they can't miss a phone call or have to be on their phones all the time. I think I read somewhere that more teens get into accidents from (I wanna say) texting than from inexperience. It's too bad they can't make a car that turns off your phone when you get in.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your answer for #2- so true!