Friday, February 28, 2025


Fiona the Elf has arrived

 Hi all Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.  I am so sorry for not posting   I am doing 3 advent studies with 3 different groups.   The fur babies take up a big amount of time.  I have also been fighting depression.  *The holidays are hard on me*    We are back up and running and hope you will find time to stop by.

I am going to combine several days into one then starting today will be a daily post

The Elfin adventures have begun. Fiona is watching mom play her FB game Supercity and says it looks fun and mom your cities are beautiful. It's kind of dreary outside so inside adventures it is.

November 27

Silly Elf Sandra isn't a reindeer, although I know she is the right color and size for you. Glad Sandra has good personality

November 28

Run Fiona run, Graecie thinks you are a chew toy. The blurry picture Graecie was shaking her.

November 29 Graecie gets 2 pics as this is her first time with Fiona

Fiona, young lady, why are you scaring Tillie making her think your eating her food? Silly elf is un bothered by Gina's zoo crew.

November 30

Fiona has found cuddling with Millie can be fun

Lamentations 5:19  But you, O LORD, reign forever; your throne endures to all generations

Dec 1 with daily bible verse

Fiona, is being a good elf today, all but climbing on the plant stand to sit by the Christmas Fir Tree.

1 Samuel 12:24 Above all, fear the LORD and worship him faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things he has done for you.

Dec 2 with daily bible verse

Friday Snuggles

Mama its so cold in here (they think 70 is cold)  I will give them all credit though the wind was blowing around 20 mph from the north, so it was a little brisk with the wind.

we are having unusually cold weather for November our winter isn't usually until Jan to March  we had snow Monday and near freezing rain.   And snow again Thursday night today the high was only 34 degrees with a north wind of 15 mph felt like 21 all day BURRR

However I am very thankful to be in a home that is safe, warm and no nasty landlord.

John 14:2-42 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”


Thankful Thursday


Happy last Thursday in October.  Where in the world did October go?
Our fall colors are starting to show, I can't wait to go for a drive and capture the beauty.   We got some very much needed rain, and cooler temps *it seems like fall* not our Indian Summer.
We had our first heavy freeze *very early* but glad all the ragweeds are now gone and dead.  They cause horrible allergies.  There was at least 15 varieties in the yard.  

Today I am thankful for so many things *everyday is a blessing to me* 


My salvation, the never ending love of our heavenly Father (he never leaves us), cooler temps, the rain we got and more coming,  dependable transportation, the ability to go and take pictures, food in the cabinets, warm comfy blankets for cooler nights, heat for cold weather, my pets who love me unconditionally, friends, family, the ladies at the church I go to.


our country, many illnesses throughout the country, people who have lost loved ones, lost souls, people who need financial freedom, the homeless, family members who are going thru problems, friends who are facing troubles, a friend whose pet is on the edge of crossing rainbow bridge, (MYSELF to be a better servant to those in need) having the wisdom to say the right words at the right time to somebody who may need to hear, being able myself to see and hear the words that God wants me to say.  Please keep praying that I find my necklace (its a family heirloom that belonged to mom, dad got it for her on their 25th wedding anniversary in 1979)  

I pray all of you have a blessed and safe weekend ahead.   

Thursday, October 27Romans 5:1717 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Read Romans 5


Wordless Wednesday



Wednesday 102622 

Good morning I hope everyone is having a blessed week.  Everyday is a blessing for me.  We got some very much needed rain, was so dry 24 hrs later can hardly tell we even got rain. The weather is seeming more like fall, vs Indian summer.   Our trees are finally starting to turn YAYY I can't wait to take a drive and get some pictures.  

My shoulder is doing great other than the cold weather achy (s) I am able to do most daily tasks now, still have a 5 to 10 lb limit until I see the dr the end of December.  We had our family reunion on 101522 35 showed up, we counted at least that many that couldn't make the day, their loss we had so much fun going down memory lane and building new memories   Hard to believe moms siblings have dwindled down to only 2 living there was 6.  Soon it will be my generation cousins doing the family reunions, I would really like to carry on the tradition after the uncles are gone.   Moms baby brother *seated in picture with overalls on* cried when I hugged him, he said I look more like my mama every time that he sees me, they were happy tears of course.  mom was 11 yrs older than him, he is 19 yrs older than me.   Both uncle and I have always had a special bond as I was the first and oldest niece on mom's side,  dad's side I am the baby all the way around.     Do you attend your family reunions?  Do  you prefer to host?   

The twins will be 9 months old on November 2 my how time has flown by.

I hope you all have a blessed rest of your week,   


Tuesday 102522

 Happy Tuesday all.   I pray that each of you are doing well.   

We finally got some much needed rain here in OK,   I haven't taken many pics of  late as the sudden changing weather has my shoulder in a tizzy.  Nothing out of the normal just have to listen when it tells me to stop doing stuff.  My zoo crew is all doing well.  *Maybe a new name for a blog ? as I have my dollies and animals*  this may have to happen.   My heater decided it didn't want to work this year :( we have to take it apart with it have been raining it will have to be done at later time, I have a couple ceramic >electric< heaters that are sufficient for now.    I still HAVE NOT found my beloved necklace.  I know it will show up when I need a pick me up, and God will show me where it is.  Our trees are finally turning, may take a drive in a few days to capture some of the beauty.

One thing I enjoy doing is coloring thought this one was appropriate for the season

The Babies are growing th
ey will be 9 months on 11222

The women I go to church with we had a get together and one of the ladies made these 2 cuties   A veggie skeleton,  I just love Pintrest, do YOU?

and jalepeno poppers made into cute little mummies *pintrest*

Sandra rocking her new jammies 

Graecie is rocking her new jammies as well she is growing she is up to 4.9 lbs

last but not least, All we need is the faith of a mustard seed.  One of my favorite verses.  Do you have that faith that can move a mountain?  


Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday all!  hope your week has been full of many blessings.

This past Saturday we had our family reunion on my moms side there was 35 there and approx that many that couldn't make it.   We had a great time and all of us 1st gen cousins sat around reminiscing about when our grandparents were alive, with things we all did growing up.   This was so much fun, I am pretty sure there were many tears.

MY THANKFUL list today

cooler temps, colors in the trees are starting to turn, we got a tiny bit of rain, will take what we get.  Family time, heat for the cooler nights, nice warm fuzzy blankets, my pets, salvation, that we had safe travels to and from TX


our COUNTRY, rain, that we can get hay for the livestock, the twins have both had rsv, family illness's, financial freedom,  pleas if you will say a prayer that I find a family heirloom (necklace) my dad got it for my mom in 1975 (their 25th anniversary) it has 25 diamonds in it.   It fell down between the bed and the wall and so far I haven't found it.     safe travels today as I have to go to KS.    

hope everybody has a great and safe weekend,  GOD BLESS YOU ALL


A beautiful drive

 Took a drive on Friday was so nice the fall colors are starting to peep through

Noel, Missouri where the rocks and scenery are superb

love  the cloud and sun along the cliffs here

YES, this cliff hangs over the road, scary but cool

The scenery is beautiful, this pic is going to be printed and hung on my wall

Old rail road bridge Saginaw Missouri

Monday, October 101 Peter 4:1010 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.


A few pics from the weekend

This little frog thought he was hiding from me however I saw him jump there.  Mr/Mrs Frog you can't hide from a photographer no matter how clever you think you are.
Saturday's Bible Journaling.  I also use a 3 subject notebook as sometimes what I want to journal is too large for my bible.

Psalm 23:2  has so much truth to it

The angels were looking down on us along with the beautiful sun rays  I know I keep my guardian angels on their toes for sure.  I love when God paints for us.  This was around dusk
Ms. Corn Spider decided to make her web on the end of my travel trailer  (she is shielded by the ladder)  they are harmless, eat lots of bugs and make a beautiful zipper web for us to enjoy.   I had never gotten close enough to one to see that their heads are grey very cool
More beautiful clouds right at dusk I am not sure of the shapes I see in this photo.

Todays bible verse :  Monday, September 262 Peter 3:99 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,    but everyone to come to repentance.


Tuesday 4 92022 Autumn Trip


Autumn Trip

 Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we put 4 questions up                             each week for you to ponder and answer.  Then we hope you visit all the other participants too. so we can get to know one another better.

Let's plan a lovely vacation through New England to see the Autumn leaves..                    Money is no object and we have all the time we would like.

1. How many days and  nights would you like to be away?                                                    maybe a month so that I could enjoy and take lots of pics.

2. What kind of car would you like to take on this trip? Maybe you                           would enjoy the train? Would you sail up the coast in a yacht?                                          I would prefer driving my suv, again so that I can take my time enjoying the scenery and being able to take pics.

3. Would side trips be on your agenda? Perhaps to Mystic, Connecticut, Salem, Massachusetts, Plimouth, (yes, they spelled it with an "i" ) Massachusetts,             Walden Pond, Lizzie Borden's home or maybe the home of                                      Emily Dickenson, etc.                                                                                                            I would love visiting Emily Dickenson, some of the National Cemeteries,            along  with some of the battle sites, Cape Cod so much.   

4. Lobster roll, chowders, boiled dinners, brown bread, baked beans,                    pancakes with real maple syrup, blueberry muffins, Parker House Rolls                      (well loved by Charles Dickens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Wadsworth                 Longfellow,  the Kennedy clan.), Toll House Cookies, Red Flannel Hash,             Tourtiere  pork pie, — what native foods catch your attention?

I love cooking however with being just me I do alot of microwave cooking               all these foods sounds fantastic


Sunday photos and bible journaling

Happy and Blessed Sunday 
Bible Journaling Deuteronomy 6:6-9

We should all HIDE God's word in our hearts an memorize as much as we can.  I believe the day is coming when we will be needing it.

Always, keep his word at the front of your minds again, we never know when this may be needed
My 4 girls enjoying an easy day with mom                Tillie (laying on my laptop fan) Millie on moms lap, Sandra loves a belly rub look at that smile.   Truffles is actually being good (white kitten in the chair).   Millie and Tillie are Identical twins

Last but most definitely NOT least                                               Everybody meet Graecie Leanne the miniature Dachshund she was 8 weeks old Saturday 91722.  My lifelong friend since 1980 is giving her to me as she only wants her to have a good home.   Talk about being blessed.     

I hope everyone is having a great and blessed weekend.   Please pray for the midwest  we are in dyer need of rain, and this week back up in the 100s :( ponds are drying up, grass is dying , there is no hay available for the livestock this winter and if we can find it it is outrageously priced.    

Have a happy and blessed week ahead,  Remember reading your bible and praying is still free.


uesday 4 9522


September 2022

Hello and welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.   We are so glad to
 have you join in.  The "Ber" months have begun: September, October, 
November and December.   Let's talk about  September okay?

  You can join in here Tuesday 4

1. When you were in school or university, did you look forward to returning?            Why or why not?    I stayed local and was able to go home daily                        (never liked being away from home)(and still prefer home)

2. September has  Labor Day, which, for many is the signal of summer's                       end and fall's grand entrance.  Do you celebrate Labor Day in any way                           or is it just a day off for you? When my parents were alive we had a                   cookout but that has stopped so now its just a day at home.

3. September's birthstone is the Sapphire which is 2nd only to a diamond                        in hardness. (Ruby is a red sapphire by the way) It comes in many colors.                           Do you know your birthstone and do you like it? May Emerald and                            yes I love emerald they also come in different clarities from                                      clear to very milky looking

4. September's birth flower is the Astor. What is yours ?                                                             Lily of the Valley and Lilies are my favorite flower.


Fun with Bible Journaling and shoulder update

Had good visit with both Pulmonology she said my lungs sounded great, even better than the last time they thought I was in beginning stages of COPD and thinking now it is most likely from the severity of my asthma and being a heart patient.   Left this appt and headed straight to orthopedic for 6 week (7 because of scheduling)  however I am now almost 8 weeks (thur)    Dr was very impressed with the range of motion and the movement told me to keep up the good work, and that I no longer had to go to PT thank you Jesus as that drive stressed me out.   I will see ortho the end of Dec.      I do not have to see Pulmonology and cardiology now for a year (unless needed)  Thank you Jesus again for making my heart better.

As you all have known I have taken up bible journaling and really enjoying

This month we are going to memorize the Beatitudes Matthew 5: 1-12 if you want to play along I will post 3 verses a week and at the end of the month you will have them memorized.  These came from the NIV Bible 

My journaling notebook (click the image) so can read it.

 John 8:26 and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free    (how powerful is this verse)

I have gotten some awesome shots of the moon as of lately will use them later in the week

many blessings to each of you

God is good and faithful all the time


Terrific Tuesday

The storm clouds 82922 were awesome in this one I see 2 angry faces right in the middle, somebody running away and somebody looking like they want to punch them up above.   We did get about enough rain to settle the dust  please pray for more.  there is already a hay shortage for the livestock

This is the clouds to the SW 

Bible Verse cards  I love doing these it is so fun and a fun way to learn the bible.

hope everyone has a super blessed week

Tomorrow 83122 I go to ortho for 7 week follow up and thinking he will more than likely release me from going to PT and do them at home, thank you all for the prayers during the recovery and for not giving up on my blog