Fiona the Elf has arrived
Hi all Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. I am so sorry for not posting I am doing 3 advent studies with 3 different groups. The fur babies take up a big amount of time. I have also been fighting depression. *The holidays are hard on me* We are back up and running and hope you will find time to stop by.
I am going to combine several days into one then starting today will be a daily post
The Elfin adventures have begun. Fiona is watching mom play her FB game Supercity and says it looks fun and mom your cities are beautiful. It's kind of dreary outside so inside adventures it is.
November 27
November 28
November 29 Graecie gets 2 pics as this is her first time with Fiona
November 30
Lamentations 5:19 But you, O LORD, reign forever; your throne endures to all generations
Dec 1 with daily bible verse
1 Samuel 12:24 Above all, fear the LORD and worship him faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things he has done for you.
Dec 2 with daily bible verse
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Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8