wow is time flying by, it seems just yesterday we were at Thankful Thursday and here
we are again.
We all have so many things to be thankful for, it is always hard to just list a few.
Salvation Thank you Jesus for you ever ending love
Roof over my head
heat (it is 15* plus have -2 wind chill)
water lines not freezing
getting pictures in the mail (snail mail)
Bethe if you have never visited
her blog, you are truly missing out, why not stop and show her some love
my ereader so that I can read more often
crafts that I am working on in the winter months
Arent you the sweetest sending readers my way. Thank you so much. Having heat in this cold is huge! A super blessing in fact along with pipes not bursting and freezing. You are right so much to be thankful for everyday. Blessings