Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 6 of our 65 day journey

Cheryl over at  is doing a wonderful 65 day journey.  We could all learn so much from doing this...If you have never visited her blog come on and be truly blessed.

I am having such a writers block today for some reason, no matter how hard I am trying the words are not coming to me (I have been kind of stressed the last couple of days, as I have been having chest pains off and on...I went to the ER a week ago Sunday, to find an abnormal EKG) Oh please LORD let everything be ok.  Mom reminded me today that I have most of my life had an irregular heartbeat..I am hoping that is what threw off the EKG.  I go to my regular dr. on Friday.  (there is no history in my family of heart problems as far as we know)

On to more positive notes.
We are getting some much needed rain "LIQUID SONSHINE" but we could hold off on that blistery northern wind. (Bob please hold the gate tighter its cold down here) (You don't want  it to get icky now do you baby?)

Reading my devotional today the title is "JUST KEEP ON PEDALING" oh dear Lord you knew this is what I needed today.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your pats straight.  (wow was this a hit in the heart)
when when we think "I just can't do any more, He smiles and says. "PEDAL" everyday life is a real adventure.  Many days God just says, "come along and trust me"
How true this is ...when we are down and out if we would open up and truly trust GOD we would all be much better off.

This is the prayer for today from the devotional....Father God, you know how hard it is for us to let go and let GOD.  We human beings are so used to "being in control".  We have a very difficult time in trusting anyone else; especially someone we can't even see or touch.  Please stay close to us when we doubt.  It's not that we don't want to trust, it's just that this is so new to us.  Please be patient with our little steps, for one day we will be able to run and not stumble, but today we feel like a young child who is beginning to crawl. Amen

here are some more readings
Psalm 46:1,2
1 Peter 5:7
Matthew 6:31,32
Psalm 40:4

And Shawn over is doing 30 days of  thanks.
Today I am thankful for Bob and his never ending love to me...I am also thankful for the much needed rain we have been getting today.

Hope everybody's Thur is great and full of many blessings

Bob and I are doing wonderful

1 comment:

  1. OH Gina! How scary I pray the Lord give you peace and take the stress away and that you are the healed and not the sick in Jesus name. That no weapon formedagainst you should ever propser in Jesus name. Lord strength and bring peace and healing in Jesus name Amen

    Rain! Yep! that is what we have as well. What happent o my Summer i say. I personally dont recall having one. Though I do know you are in daire need of the rain and had a very hot Summer.
    God is faithful and knows what He is doing. Guess we all just enjoy the beautiful days He blesses each one of us with.
    Hugs and prayers


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8