Wednesday, November 9, 2011

day 11 of our 65 day journey

wow its hard to believe we are already going into 11 days...time is flying
I am doing my blog tonight on Faith.

How many of us have ever taken a BIG LEAP OF FAITH?
2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us we walk by faith not sight
Well you all know how we have been hit with the weather here in OK this week? 30+ earthquakes in the not even 96 hrs.  Tornadoes yesterday and very severe weather where I am at.

Saturday when the house was "rocking and rolling" as I say.  I said dear Lord, please keep my parents, friends and everybody out of harms way.  I am giving 100% of my faith in you.  God, replied to me and said my child we walk by faith but not what we can see.  I have always kept you safe in my arms.  Have I not?  I said yes Father you have always kept me out of harms way...I heard then remember the 3 tornadoes you were right in the middle of with little to no shelter?  That was God keeping me safe during that.  So why would he not keep us all safe now?  
There has been no damage to my home or my parents home.  We had some limbs down last night but what do we expect when there is 80mph winds?
My words today may not seem like a bunch but to me they are something.  I learned a very big lesson, never be afraid to take that leap of faith no matter where or what it is that you may not know.  God will not let you down
hope you all are having a blessed week
Bob and I are doing wonderful
Shawn over at is doing a 30 day thankful list

Today is day 8 wow...Today I am so thankful for my Faith and for Bob's love for me

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post Rainbow!
    Faith......a beautiful gift and promise for our eternity!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8