Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday 22422


today I am thankful that God will never leave or forsake us, thank you Lord

nice warm weather we had earlier in the week

my church



unconditional love of our pets

propane to keep me warm

food in the cabinets

warm covers 

we are in the 20's today spose to be 8 tonight with snow freezing rain and sleet still moving in with already over an inch of (melted sleet, ice and snow) it is very dangerous outside. please pray we do not loose electricity


we need to be praying for our nation desperately after the Russian/Ukraine attack it very much affects our country .and many states are in danger as well. 

that our electricity does not go out with the dangerous temps with the -0 wind chill

friends loosing loved ones

sickenss', cancer, ect

our economy (is in danger of VERY high inflation once again)

that people in this winter weather do not fall and get injured.

homeless people that we should be concerned for on these treacherous temps


  1. So thankful you are warm and safe in your new home. Praying that the power stays on and that you can STAY warm and safe in your new home! Yes, the prayer requests are getting longer these days, with the war in Ukraine and how it is affecting so many innocent lives, as well as our own economy. And yes, there are many people with serious illnesses and other issues in their lives that need prayer. We live in very trying times, but we have JESUS to see us through no matter what. Praise God for His love and mercy and grace. We are blessed. This was a good post. Take care and stay away from the ice.

    1. Pamela, So far so good with the warmth (in the old home last year couldn't get it over 48* in winter) at 60 to 65 the heat bout runs me out. Power stayed on. I am so thankful that JESUS is with me no matter. Our church has some missionaries in Ukraine so please pray for them, they did evacuate to Polland and are OK. THANK GOD. The ice is now gone and we can get spring here, I am SO ready.

  2. Ukrainians (mostly women and children) are now fleeing to Poland, my home country has more and more refugees with every hour. I hope that Ukrainians will stand its ground, Europe is uniting to help. It will for sure affect the USA too. Dark times :I

    1. we have some church missionaries that made it to Poland. Praying for you as well. Dark times that is the absolute truth.


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8