Our internet went out won't be back till the 2nd. I'll be back to blogging then. Be blessed
Saturday, February 27, 2021
What is something you want more of in your life? Feb 27 prompt
What is something you want more of in your life?
I would like to have more friends, some of our friends (I guess so-called) got their feelings hurt because I made a thank you post to other friends for coming and helping us get some winterization stuff done. I have apologized to all of them, but no text, call nothing I have left it in God's hands I know everybody is here for a season.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Principals Prompt for Feb 26
Most companies have a set of core values that act as guiding principals for their operations. On a personal level what are your core values?
I am a SERVANT to the KING
I am a LEADER to my flock,
INTEGRITY is important to me,
I have and understand RESPECT which is something going by the wayside,
RESPONSIBILITY is something that I have had drilled into me since a child
I have HOPE for the future
My FAITH is what keeps me being the person that I am
HONOR (my parents, and any elders)
I am a TRUSTING person, and easy going
HONESTY I would rather you be honest even if it is going to hurt than find out the lie afterwards
Topic Prompt for Feb 25
What is a topic you could talk about for hours if you had a captive audience? What would you tell them?
Photography, nothing can be what the Master gives us to photograph
There is no right or wrong way to shoot a photo, it is all in the eye of the photographer as we all see things differently, that is what makes us unique. Wouldn't it be a boring world if we all saw the same things all the time?
What do you see through your camera lens?
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Color photos Day 49 thru day 54
Snowy winter day
Silly goat, he put this bag on his horns himself then wanted h-aaa-lp
Milly & Tilly are twin tabby kittens Milly is the one looking, Tilly is snoozing.
Sparkles (mom) and the piglets that are growing :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Day 54 bw makes me smile feb 23
2 Timothy 4:77 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Day 53 bw makes me smile Feb 22
Sparkles is such a good mommy the babies are growing they are now 4 weeks old
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.Day 52 bw makes me smile Feb 21
Tilly and Milly our 4 month old twin baby Tabby kittens Milly is the one looking at me, while Tilly is snoozing
11 Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
Day 51 bw makes me smile Feb 20
Day 50 bw makes me smile Feb 19
This is an actual picture that I took, I call it my once in a lifetime shot.
Day 49 bw makes me smile feb 18
Wordless Wednesday what squirrel
Importance Feb 24 prompt
What is something important that you have been avoiding? Why are you putting it off? How would you feel if you took care of it?
OH boy where to begin. GULPING Going to take care of Gators (HUBBY) final arrangements
it is something that is very hard for me to thinking of doing and more so doing it by myself.
Mentally I would probably feel better knowing that it is done, emotionally, however I think its going to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
If you are a prayer, please pray for the strength, wisdom and courage so that I can get this done.
Who gets on my last nerve Feb 23 prompt
Who gets on your last nerve? What do they do that bothers you so much? Why do you think they do that? Now, what is an endearing quality you have?
My ex!
he was always picking his fingernails/clicking it drove me up the wall and down the other side.
He did it because he knew it annoyed me.
Uniqueness, wittiness, charisma, loyalty, honesty, (sorry you said one, but couldn't decide)
Monday, February 22, 2021
Tuesday 4: Moving
Welcome to Tuesday 4 kept up in memory of our friend Toni Taddeo who began it several years ago. She would be so pleased to see people keeping up with it!
Let's talk about moving today.
1. How far away are you from where you grew up? A. approximately 100 miles and dislike it
2. Families sometimes move all over the country. Do you feel that a family should try to stay close together? A. I think it would be nice if families could stay closer, but understand that jobs and different situations take us away from the nest so to say
3. How many times have you moved in your life and would you like to share when and where you moved? A. I have moved way too many times first move was only 7 miles from where I grew up then husband got a better paying job we moved 100 miles away (Shawnee OK) in 01 his job took us to San Antonio TX (This was really cool for a small town girl) 03 Corpus Christi TX, 04 back to OK, 07 back to 6 miles from where I grew up, 2012 Anaheim CA, this was bizarre 2013 back to OK , divorced him (long story) Married Gator we moved to current location in 2019 Galena KS
4. What brought you to where you are living now and are you happy there? A for the most part we are happy here, just wishing it was a little nicer (its run down) our home in OK went up for sale, after moving up here it was better because Gator got the best care possible for fighting cancer.
I hate being 100 miles from my 83 yr old mom because I can't just get in the car and go like I did when it was only up to 10 miles away.
Thanks for joining in!!
How do you want to feel today? Do you feel that way? What can you do that would help you feel that way? Feb 22 prompt
How do you want to feel today? Do you feel that way? What can you do that would help you feel that way?
accomplished, Yes I feel that way, I got up early and started chores (cleaning this house, the animals are happy they can go outside now, that last 2 weeks was horrendous as all they could do is go outside and do their business and right back in with sub zero temps we didn't want them getting frost bite.
Who is someone you admire? Why? Feb 21 prompt
Who is someone you admire? Why?
There are several people that I admire
Mom - her strength to fight and go on with life after daddy died ( they were married 60 yrs 8 months and 3 days. Mom married my dad when she was only 17 he literally was her soul-mate
Gary (Gator) his fight with cancer, he is one of the most courageous people fighting cancer that I know of, is he scared yes! His attitude is great
Many friends- because they have stuff going on in their lives that most people couldn't never imagine.
My self - not being egotistical being honest. I admire myself for having the patience to be a caregiver
What do you need today? (Not "what do you need TO DO") What is one way you can give yourself some extra care today Feb 20 prompt
What do you need today? (Not "what do you need TO DO") What is one way you can give yourself some extra care today
Being a caregiver sometimes just somebody to talk to who has been here. Getting out of my sweats, dressing like a human and go outside and take some pics.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Friday, February 19, 2021
Day 48 bw makes me smile for Feb 17
Day 47 bw makes me smile Feb 16
Day 46 bw makes me smile Feb 15
John 3:1616 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Day 45 bw makes me smile feb 14
Down from the waterfalls ice forming on the shoreline
1 Corinthians 13:44 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
Day 44 bw makes me smile for Feb 13
Ice is forming on the waterfalls so pretty but SOOOO cold
Isaiah 54:1010 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
Day 43 bw makes me smile
Day 42 bw makes me smile
What are the most important characteristics in a friend? Do you have those qualities?
What are the most important characteristics in a friend? Do you have those qualities?
Christian, honesty, loyalty, supportive, integrity, longevity, not judge mental, accepts me for who I am.
Yes I have all of these qualities plus more. I am that one friend that people always go away from, then they come crawling back to me.
What are you proud of yourself for today? Why? Feb 18 prompt
What are you proud of yourself for today? Why?
I am proud of my courage for taking care of Gator who is fighting terminal cancer. WHY? Until you have been a caregiver for a cancer patient you wouldn't understand. The chore is very REAL. Changing sheets 2 or 3 times during the night on chemo weeks because of accidents or throwing up, fevers, headaches, not wanting to eat, crying because he feels like a burden. This struggle is hard on both people. I wouldn't change anything because I still have him here with me. Everyday is a blessing, that he is still here.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Wordless Wednesday 21721
beyond the boathouse, is normally a pretty creek however now it looks like a giant ice skating rink
Isaiah 1:18 ESV
“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
I am embarrassed to tell anyone this but.... Feb 17 prompt
I am embarrassed to tell anyone this but....
I am scared of heights and spiders. I can't drive on the ice/snow
Daily Routine Feb 16 prompt
What is the first thing you do every day? What's the last thing? How do these make you feel?
The first thing I do is go to the bathroom, then get coffee started. The last thing I do is turn the tv and lamp off. My kidney's say thanks for the early bathroom, Gator is appreciative for his coffee. Turning off the lamp and tv helps me go to sleep
Monday, February 15, 2021
What is fun Feb 15 prompt
What is something other people think is fun that you would NEVER do? Why not? What would happen if you did it?
Some people think sky-diving is fun, not for me. I have several heart issues that advise against those things. I am scared of heights I would probably have a severe panic/anxiety attack jumping out of a plane.
Love Feb 14 prompt
How do you show others you love them? What do others do to make you feel loved ?
I send e-cards to some of my friends, show affection, cook a meal, treat us to dinner.
Other's show their love to me by telephone calls, a few e-cards, text messages etc. Get a nice meal run a hot bath cuddling/snuggling, stuffed animals, candy etc.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Lens ball photos
Black and white railroad with switch
thought this was a cool effect what do you think?
this is the original photos that the above are off of, using filters and rotations.
What do you see thru your lens ball
Old Activities Feb 13
What is something you loved doing when you were younger but do not do any longer? Why did you stop doing it?
I always enjoyed doing plastic canvas work, (similar to cross stitch or embroidery) but on plastic. I quit doing it so much do to several neck injuries from wrecks, and arthritis in my right hand. I do some still but now like in my younger days.
Be blessed
Chrissy Dawn meets our pets
Mom bought me this cool unicorn (similar to my little pony) her name is Aerial Michelle
I am helping mom with her game again I am learning how to build things
This is Feisty Bear, he is daddy's companion animal, he sure was smelling of me
This is Mr. Jingles (he is the daddy to the piglets) I haven't met Ms. Sparkles *mom* or the babies, mom says we need to wait a bit longer so not to scare momma I have seen pictures of them but can't wait to meet them. I met Sandra our tiny Chihuahua she is scared of me, mom said we would try again to get a pic. Ms. Harley wouldn't sit still for mom to get a pic, she liked me though as she kept licking me
I helped make daddies coffee, it sure smells good, mom says I am too young for the coffee yet. I get to drink sweet tea with mom, my favorite is any kind of juice and milk. Dad says the coffee is "good to the last drop" he sure likes his coffee.
Mom let me take a selfie isn't she beautiful? we are looking out at the geese on the creek. It sure is pretty but looks awful cold out there
this is out the window we were looking out of. That is ice not snow, the creek behind the boat house is frozen almost to the middle. Mom says its only going to be getting colder. With the possibilities of 8-10 inches of snow coming. Mom also says we are not used to this cold of weather here in this part of the Midwest and that it has NEVER been this cold for this long, It has been down below freezing since last Sunday Feb 7
Mom says she agrees will Lily Grace that we should all love each other as Jesus loved us. Wouldn't that make the world a greater place, if we all got along and loved each other?
Psalm 51:6-7
Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,
And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
FEB 12 Prompt Envious
What makes you feel envious? What do they have/what are they doing that makes you feel that way? What do you think that means?
I used to be envious when I thought the women were trying to take my husband (ex) away the green-eyed monster of envy came out A LOT!
Now, I am not an envious person of anybody, as they do not have anything that I do not have, My Heavenly father healed me of the envious, hatred, jealousy etc.
Envious, jealousy, wow is me, pity party I know from past experience no matter what somebody else has, you want more more more (Hatfield & McCoy's) come to mind Waylon Jennings says it so well here Luckenbach TX I think every body needs to go back to the basics of love
James 3:14-16
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
what have you been most worried about lately? Is it realistic to worry about it? Is there anything you can do about it? Feb 11
what have you been most worried about lately? Is it realistic to worry about it? Is there anything you can do about it?
I have been worried about Gator's health, as he has stage IV metastasized (meaning it has spread) incurable colon cancer. His cancer went terminal between Thanksgiving and Christmas, he is now with hospice so any day we have together is a blessing. Realistic speaking yes he was my first boyfriend, my HS sweetheart, life took us other ways but got married only 2 1/2 yrs ago. Worrying doesn't help anything at all. I have given this whole situation to God, its in his hands now, but still I think it is only natural that we worry.
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Make a list of everything you would like to say yes to Feb 10
Make a list of everything you would like to say yes to
an all expense paid trip to any where I wanted to travel
world peace
warmer temps
new friends
knowing who my Heavenly Father is, and knowing I am going to Heaven
a new car
a nicer place to live, that actually has heat
free gifts
helping friends
Wordless Wednesday
Day 41 bw makes me smile
Day 40 bw makes me smile
Day 39 bw makes me smile

Day 38 bw makes me smile
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Tuesday 4 Valentines Day
Linking up here Tuesday 4
Valentine's Day
Welcome to Tuesday 4. I am sure Toni would be so pleased you are here.
Let's talk about St. Valentine's Day.
1. St Valentine paid for the weddings of poor girls. Today weddings can cost a fortune. What do you think about wedding expenses?
A. I think weddings today are outrageous it isn't the cost of the wedding!!! Gator and I spent less than 2 hundred dollars on our own wedding. Our friends had a reception for us at our hangout
2. Do you or did you send Valentines to people? A. I send a Valentine card to mom an aunt and a friend
3. Do you find Valentine's day to be romantic? A. Not much anymore but Gator does always prepare a nice homemade meal which is really nice
4. Do you do anything special for Valentine's Day with partners or family?
A. Gator Makes me a nice meal for Valentine's I always hand make his card
Happy Valentine's Day folks.
Welcome to Tuesday 4. I am sure Toni would be so pleased you are here.
Let's talk about St. Valentine's Day.
1. St Valentine paid for the weddings of poor girls. Today weddings can cost a fortune. What do you think about wedding expenses?
A. I think weddings today are outrageous it isn't the cost of the wedding!!! Gator and I spent less than 2 hundred dollars on our own wedding. Our friends had a reception for us at our hangout
2. Do you or did you send Valentines to people? A. I send a Valentine card to mom an aunt and a friend
3. Do you find Valentine's day to be romantic? A. Not much anymore but Gator does always prepare a nice homemade meal which is really nice
4. Do you do anything special for Valentine's Day with partners or family?
A. Gator Makes me a nice meal for Valentine's I always hand make his card
Happy Valentine's Day folks.
Make a list of everything you would like to say no to FEB 9 prompt
Make a list of everything you would to say no to
Abuse of any kind to anybody
spam callers
ruthless people
fake people (ones who talk out of both sides of their mouths)
witchcraft and other hocus pocus stuff
my list could go on and on!!!