Sunday, January 31, 2021

I'd Rather be Birdin 13121

Linking up today with Annie here Id rather be birdin

It has been a great week for birding here at the Gator pad

Northern Female Cardinal
American Bald Eagle I believe it is a 
Canadian Geese (they stay here year round
Turken rooster and hen they are from Russia
female cardinal and a red finch
male downy woodpecker
chickadee and tufted titmouse
white breasted nuthatch  (this is  the first time I have ever seen this bird what a nice surprise
nuthatch and chickadee
female yellow finch
yellow finch (wintertime)

My photos belong to me and may not be reproduced w/o my permission


  1. What an exceptional array of birds seen! I've never heard of the turken from Russia, ever. That's a new one for me.

    Thanks so much for sharing Gina. Have a glorious week & be safe.

    ~Anni at I'd Rather B Birdin'

    1. Thank you Anni! The Turken rooster and hen, some of our friends have them, I had never heard of them, they said they have the best eggs. I hope you have a blessed week and thank you for bringing back the best memories :)


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