Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Happy Tuesday

 Hope everybody is having a great Thanksgiving week so far. Here at the Gator ranch we are doing pretty good.  Already tired of winter time and by the calendar isn't official yet.

Please be safe for the ones that will be traveling, we will be visiting our families on Sat.   Please keep your loved ones near and dear as tomorrow is never promised.   Gator's health isn't the best we are going to families as we never know if this may be the last chance.

2020 only has 30 days left, for me it can't be over fast enough, however the new year scares me because of the unknown, and think most of you know where that is going, however I do not do political stuff on my blog.

Happy Thanksgiving be blessed!!!!

much to be thankful for


He [Barnabas] was a good man, 

full of the Holy Spirit and faith,

 and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.Acts 11:24


  1. I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving with your families. Praying for your hubby's health concerns and for you and your bronchitis. I am new to your blog so don't know everything or everyone, but God led me here for a reason, so just know I will be in prayer for your family.

    1. Thanksgiving was awesome, we didn't make to my family as it was getting late and a 3 hr drive home. I will go see mom one day this week :) My bronchitis is all but gone YAY!! Thank you for the prayers esp for hubby. His cancer went terminal in Aug. I am now following you. I truly believe God directs to the strangest places. Friday night a couple we had only met one time, approached me and told me they felt the need to pray with me, then said they needed to pray for hubby this was at a bar ( I do not drink, just go for karaoke and to hang with our friends.


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8