Hello to my blogger friends. I am sorry to be out of pocket this month
The end of March (26 exact) I had a mild heart attack and very mild stroke. Spending 3
days in the hospital, after getting out sitting at my lap top was not on the top of my
While in the hospital, we did find out some things
very beginning stages of Congested heart failure
beginning stage of COPD
vasospasms, bronchial spasms, costo-chronditis and pulmonary hypertension as
well as my hypertension.
For going on 6 years now have wondered why I can't do anything without being so out
of breath that its not funny. (this hospital stay found out alot of it) my prior dr's always told
me "IT'S JUST YOUR ASTHMA thankfully I listened to my body that early morning
chest pains were so excruciating I just wanted to cry and my left arm felt like it was
literally going to fall off, and geez not to mention my poor neck and left jaw.
1 week after I came home, Gator started having severe pain in his pelvis area, and neck/shoulder
area go to ER the news we were not wanting, His cancer is back at Stage IV again this time
it has spread into lymphnodes, there is nodules on both lungs, his kidney, colon, and several other
areas, there is a 2cm mass on the collar bone area pressing on the thyroid and coroted artery
we will find out this week what options are available please keep us in your prayers.
we are fearing there may be no options available at this time since it has spread
hope everybody had a very blessed Easter