hope everybody is having a great weekend so far, here we are enjoying life!
Friday 9/14/18 we went for Gator's result from CT-Scan taken on Tuesday 9/11/18
In June he was diagnosed with incurable cancer we didn't ask a time frame anything
as we enjoy life.
We were both nervous and scared of results not knowing if it was going to spread *it
was diagnosed in June being in the lymph nodes* everyday Gator was scared but
held a great happy face.
We get to the lab for routine lab work before treatment, then wait 1 hr and 45 mins to see
the dr so that lab results would be in. In, walks the dr with a big smile on her face
and says she is super proud of the results the cancer had shrunk 70% since June
she was amazed. Prayers work, Gator has been drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide
*it has an extra oxygen molecule and cancer can't grow where there is oxygen, he bout
some canabis oil puts 20-30 drops in whatever he is drinking 3 times a day.
He got his life back yesterday, Gator is back!
going back to last Wednesday Sept 5 *chemo day* we always dread those days as the way chemo makes you feel get to lab WHOA there were can't access port, it looks infected so draw lab from arm wait 45 mins to see dr, Dr comes in WOW you need to see surgeon your port does not look right Surgeon squeezed us into his very busy schedule sees port says Gator it has to come out and right now, it was outpatient and only dead end the area around port. The port was trying to come through the skin wasn't right port for a small framed person, they now have smaller ones they use on children and small people Friday the dr wanted to do chemo through IV gator is like it is not going to happen he hasn't got the best veins and IV hurt him really bad, just waiting on surgeon to get us back in for port replacement. Gator and I think this was God's way of telling us
he no longer needs chemo.
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