Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing  
linking up again with this hop who steals from other blogs   this weeks
stealing came from Joyce over at

1. January was National Mentoring Month. Have you ever had a mentor? Been a mentor? How would you rate the experience?

A. Yes having a mentally challenged brother I always tried to be a role
model for him
2. What current trend makes no sense to you?

A. baggy pants (with butt hanging out)

3. I saw a cartoon on Facebook highlighting a few 'weird' things that make you happy as an adult. The list included writing with a nice pen, having plans cancelled, freshly cleaned sheets, eating the corner brownie, cleaning the dryer lint screen, and sipping coffee in that brief time before anyone else wakes up. Of the 'weird' things listed which one makes you happiest? What is one more 'weird' thing you'd add to the list?

A. cleaning the dryer vent, however I use the big *fat* pens as they are easier to use with having arthritis

4. What's the last good thing you ate?

A.  Gator's stuffed pork tenderloin, smoked baked beans

5. Describe life in your 20's in one sentence.

A. In my 20's wow  Got married to my 1st husband, had back surgery, got
divorced, re-married *WAISTED 24 yrs* 2nd back surgery and gall bladder surgery, took a trip to N.C. and S.C
6. It's that time of year again...time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words (or phrases) they'd like to see banished (for over-use, mis-use, or genera uselessness) in 2018. This year's top vote getters are -- unpack, dish (as in dish out the latest rumor), pre-owned, onboarding/offboarding, nothingburger, let that sink in, let me ask you this, impactful, Cofefe, drill down, fake news, hot water heater (hot water doesn't need to be heated), and gig economy. Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?

A. nothing burger, really what is a nothing burger?  
my word I would love to see removed RACISM I have always hated this
what ever happened to  we all have the same rights regardless of skin color
Because Jesus Loved all colors, red black, yellow white  we all bleed the 
same color blood 
7. What's something you need to get rid of in the new year?

A. well everybody always says a few pounds wouldn't hurt, 
garbage from past relationship *long story*
8. Where do you feel stuck?

A. struggling to pay bills, praying my SSD goes through quickly

9. January is National Soup Month. When did you last have a bowl of soup? Was it made from scratch or from a can? Your favorite canned soup? Your favorite soup to make from scratch on a cold winter's day?

A. I make homemade potato soup, and homemade chili as well as stew
hard to say which is my favorite to make.   Always make home made cornbread with whichever one I fix
10. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in 2018.

A. New beginnings (Gator and I are going to be getting married this year)
I am so excited to finally marry the love of my life


  1. Home made cornbread...yummm! Congratulations on your approaching nuptials...when will you be getting married? Nice to see you here.

  2. Bev Sykes there is nothing better!!! we are planning July 14 this year. that is the 36 anniversary of him asking me if I would be his girlfriend and gave me his classring. Thank you for the WELcOME


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8