To celebrate Dec. I will be doing a 30 day bible verse.
Dec 1 2014: daily bible verse
The heavens proclaim the Glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.
Psalm 19:1
How true this is, everyday there is a beautiful painting in the sky,
whether cloudy or sunny
Dec 2 2014 : daily bible verse
How amazing the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them. Psalm 111:2
How amazing the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them. Psalm 111:2
Isn't this amazing, it seems when we get down and forget the deeds of God!
We soon forget God is our protector, guider. We also blame him when
things go wrong, our Heavenly Father is always here for
us through thick and thin. Thank you Jesus.
amen..i will be following your also posting everyday something referring advent...blessings