Friday, May 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday

decided, to try my luck with making my own "Thankful Thursday"
picture, your thoughts?  please be nice LOL I am no artist
Here we are on Thankful Thursday no better place to  be, thank 
you for taking the time to read our blog.

Much needed rain,

Mom is getting stronger each day, she got a clean bill of health at 
ortho today, she can now bend her knee and cross legs she is so
glad of this. *for my new followers mom broke her hip in April*

My new Mary Kay career, I am excited, (please pray that I will
get 30 new faces in 30 days to practice on)

Friends praying for my niece...even stranger I do not even know,
they are much appreciated.

Beautiful spring flowers in full bloom

Lucky the bunny *I saw it today* so guess the kitty next door didnt 
get it after all.  It has been here for at least a year.

That I am capable of taking care of parents (cleaning, doing laundry,
dishes etc) Pray for them they lost a BIG FREEZER completely full
of food,  mom is very heart broken and will have to have help cleaning it out
pray that God will send somebody their way to help out.

Hope you all have a great weekend and spread lots of sunny blessings


  1. Happy that your mom got a clean bill of health.

  2. I am glad to hear that your mom had a good doctor's report! I can sort of relate to how she felt. I fell a couple of years ago and broke my left femur and right wrist. I'm fine now and one would never know I broke anything unless I am exceptionally tired and then I tend to sort of drag that left foot/leg a bit.

    If we lived close I'd donate my face for one of your 30 faces in 30 days. ;) I wish you success in your endeavor.

    I help with my father-in-law and my mom. I know how thankful you are to be there to help your parents. I'm so sorry for their loss with the big freezer. We lost a lot of food that way a couple of years ago when SANDY went through and we were without power for a week.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8