This week's words:
Disgust, noun: A feeling of revulsion or profound disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive; verb: Cause (someone) to feel revulsion or profound disapproval.
Pout, verb: Push one's lips or one's bottom lip forward as an expression of petulant annoyance or in order to make oneself look sexually attractive; (of a person's lips) be pushed forward in such a way; noun: A pouting expression; adjective (pouty): Sulky, glum, mopey, sullen.
Wad, noun: A lump or bundle of a soft material, used for padding, stuffing, or wiping; a portion of chewing gum, or of tobacco or a narcotic when used for chewing; a bundle of paper, banknotes, or documents; adjective (wadded): Compress (a soft material) into a lump or bundle.
Hello dear friend, please take care.